[WarpCast] ISP800 access - 3/14/00 |
PMView 2000: The ultimate in image viewing PMView 2.0 is now PMView 2000! See http://www.pmview.com/ for details ********************************************************************* Source: Brian Hayes (hayes@isp800.com) Moderator: Trevor Smith (trevor@haligonian.com) ------------------------------------------------------- Brian Hayes, a subscriber to ISP800 services, recently submitted this letter to WarpCast offering a bit more info on the status of ISP800's toll free and local Internet services: ---- Everyone knows the ISP800 service has been set back a bit by a complex set of circumstances (I'm glad it's not me dealing with it) but there are 'real people' behind it so they will no doubt survive. They are very willing to be helpful when you can find them (they're a bit busy). Subscribers can reach help at 1-877-247-9666. In short; they hope to be up with additional local POPs this Fri. ; the 800 lines (I don't know if they will be the same) will be reinstated on a metered basis (pay per minute). The metered fees will be low. ---- ISP800's web site is: http://www.isp800.com/ ------------------------------------------------------- To subscribe, unsubscribe, or for more information on WarpCast, visit: http://www.warpcast.com/ -------------------------------------------------------