[WarpCast] VOICE seeks input on Warpstock 2000 Social - 4/11/00

             Network Trace for OS/2
- Turn any OS/2 machine into a network probe.
- Take a trace on any segment in the network, in minutes.
- A software-only, hardware-independent implementation.

Source: Mark Dodel (madodel@ptdprolog.net)
Moderator: Trevor Smith (trevor@haligonian.com)
VOICE has once again signed on to sponsor and organize the Warpstock
Social dinner in Philly this year and we would like your input as to
the final selection. After reviewing the information at
http://www.warpstock.org/2000/social.html please send an email with
your opinion on where you would like to see the Warpstock 2000 Social
held, to abraxas@os2voice.org.

Please also let us know if you know of anyone interested in helping
to sponsor the event. Sponsorship will help cut the cost of the
dinner to attendees. All sponsors will be acknowledged in the
Warpstock Social signage, promotional announcements and web site.
Please send email to abraxas@os2voice.org regarding sponsorship.

Hope to see you in Philly in September at Warpstock 2000.

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