[WarpCast] More FP13 fixes available - 4/18/00

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Source: Mark Dodel (madodel@ptdprolog.net)
Moderator: Trevor Smith (trevor@haligonian.com)
Though the entire FixPak 13 hasn't been refreshed yet, there are now
several individual fixes dated from April 17th on IBM's ftp site:

* 04/17/2000
* The following fixes are now available to correct problems in the initial
* release of FP 13. If you apply these fixes, you will not need to re-apply
* the re-released version of FP 13.
* PCMCIATB.ZIP - PCMCIA device table. D/L file and see PCMCIATB.TXT in
* ZIP file for installation instructions.


* TRAP6FIX.ZIP - Fix for non-Pentium systems that trap 6 on booting, D/L
* ZIP file and see READ.ME file for installation instructions.


* UNDELETE.ZIP - Replacement UNDELETE Command for FP 13. D/L ZIP file
* and see UNDELETE.TXT file for installation instructions.


* SYSINSTX.ZIP - SYSINSTX Command for FP 13 that might not have been
* applied to your system. FP 13, when re-released will
* automatically place this file on your system if it isn't
* present. If you just want the file, D/L the ZIP file
* and see SYSINSTX.TXT file for installation instructions.


* and one not documented at the site:


For more on FP13 issues, please see the Warp Doctor Warnings page:

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