[WarpCast] OpenJFS for OS/2 source code available! - 4/21/00 |
Network Trace for OS/2 - Turn any OS/2 machine into a network probe. - Take a trace on any segment in the network, in minutes. - A software-only, hardware-independent implementation. http://www.goldencode.com/ntrace.html ********************************************************************* Source: Achim Hasenmueller (achimha@innotek.de) Moderator: Trevor Smith (feedback@warpcast.com) ------------------------------------------------------- Based on the GPLed source codes of JFS for Linux (that are actually taken from the OS/2 source code with some Linux adjustments and some stuff removed), the first source code release of the free Journaling File System (JFS) for OS/2 has been made available at the Netlabs public CVS server. The repository information is: SET PSERVER=:pserver:guest@www.netlabs.org:d:/netlabs.src/openjfs user: guest password: readonly A source code snapshot can be found at: ftp://ftp.netlabs.org/pub/snapshots/openjfs/openjfs_20000421.zip There is no binary distribution available right now because there are still some problems to resolve. It works quite well without the lazy writer but with it, it can cause lockups. Shutting down the file system also causes some problems. Most of the utilities (like chkdsk) are not compiling yet. It should be usable on Warp Server for e-business and also Warp 4 with at least Fixpak 13 installed! The goal is to fix the remaining bugs, build some stress test tools (a file system should be tested quite well before daily use) and to add new features that IBM is also working on or that are completely unique (lazy commit, disk quota, bootable file system, support for removable drives, performance optimizations, ...). Therefore we are looking for talented developers that want to help working on this great file system! Kudos go to Knut Osmundsen for getting the inial version working and especially Dave Kleikamp (lead JFS developer at IBM Austin) for being so helpful. According to Dave, the Linux JFS will be specifically supporting volume sharing between OS/2 and Linux! ------------------------------------------------------- To subscribe, unsubscribe, or for more information on WarpCast, visit: http://www.warpcast.com/ -------------------------------------------------------