[WarpCast] News about Nice OS/2 Enhancer - 4/21/00

             Network Trace for OS/2
- Turn any OS/2 machine into a network probe.
- Take a trace on any segment in the network, in minutes.
- A software-only, hardware-independent implementation.

Source: Sergey Posokhov (abc@posokhov.msk.ru)
Moderator: Trevor Smith (feedback@warpcast.com)
1. The web page for Nice Enhancer has been created. It contains an
overview and screenshots. The URL is:


English and Russian overviews are available. If anybody wants to
translate an overview to German or another language, please contact

2. The version "4.1" is ready to release. Some weeks are required for
testing, so it will be available this summer. No features were added
in this version, but some bugs were fixed for "frame drawing" and
"rooms" features.
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