[WarpCast] WSeb RSU fix required - 4/27/00 |
Network Trace for OS/2 - Turn any OS/2 machine into a network probe. - Take a trace on any segment in the network, in minutes. - A software-only, hardware-independent implementation. http://www.goldencode.com/ntrace.html ********************************************************************* Source: Mark Dodel (madodel@ptdprolog.net) Moderator: Trevor Smith (feedback@warpcast.com) ------------------------------------------------------- The Warp Doctor Warnings page: http://www.warpdoctor.org/warnings.html has alerted WSeB users that before they can install any FixPak using Remote Software Upgrades (RSU) on a Warp Server for e-Business machine, they must apply either APAR IC24998 or FixPak UN02101. APAR IC24998 can be found at: ftp://service.boulder.ibm.com/ps/products/os2/fixes/v4.5warp/IC24998.EXE Full information can be found at IBM's Software Updates Page, updated April 26, 2000: http://ps.software.ibm.com/pbin-usa-ps/getobj.pl?/pdocs-usa/softupd.html#icfix ------------------------------------------------------- To subscribe, unsubscribe, or for more information on WarpCast, visit: http://www.warpcast.com/ -------------------------------------------------------