[WarpCast] PMView 2.10 released - 5/23/00 |
Network Trace for OS/2 - Turn any OS/2 machine into a network probe. - Take a trace on any segment in the network, in minutes. - A software-only, hardware-independent implementation. http://www.goldencode.com/ntrace.html ********************************************************************* Source: Yan V. Batuto (os2user@newmail.ru) Moderator: Trevor Smith (trevor@haligonian.com) ------------------------------------------------------- PMView 2000 2.10 for OS/2 is available from: ftp://ftp.blueprintsoftware.com/pub/pmv2kos2.zip See http://www.pmview.com for details. The following features are new in PMView 2000 v2.10: 1. WBMP (WAP Bitmap) file support (read/write) 2. PIC (Softimage Picture) file support (read/write) 3. Threshold control for Black/White conversion 4. PMView's System Info dialog now includes the version and internal build number of PMView. The following bugs and problems are fixed in PMView 2000 v2.10: 1. Loading, JPEG: Some recovered JPEG (non-JFIF) files do not load because they are mistaken for FAX G3 files. The detection of FAX G3 is too lenient. The requirement is incresed from a 10 line minimum to a 100 line minimum for G3 files. 2. Loading, Windows BMP: Loading a Win32 BI_BITFILEDS type bitmap file results in incorrect colors (interchanged red/blue color compontents). 3. Loading, TIFF: Some TIFF files using Packbits compression cannot be read. PMView refuses to read files that are incorrectly stored with scanlines that decode into too many bytes. This is now fixed so that PMView is more lenient in its error checking and accepts such TIFF files. 4. Saving, Windows BMP: Windows BMP files saved with PMView has an error in the file header. 5. Saving, EPS: PMView generates an incorrect BoundingBox and scale factor. 6. Zooming: Zooming to the minimum or maximum limit causes the zoom to get stuck at either limit. 7. Zooming: Zooming intermittently crashes PMView. 8. Slideshow: Closing a slideshow disables the file sequencer (File->Next/Previous). 9. Slideshow: The color and the font are not saved. 10. Slideshow: The background of the progress bar is not painted correctly. 11. Printing: Printing on a printer that uses different horizontal and vertical resolution results in a stretched image. 12. Brightness/Contrast/Color dialog: Contrast adjustment algorithm improved. 13. Tool bar: The tool bar icons remain grayed-out after applying a transform to an image. 14. File Save dialog: When saving a new image (not existing on disk yet), PMView correctly opens the save dialog with the last folder saved to highlited in the directory tree. However, the container does not show the contents of this directory. 15. File Open/Save dialogs: Conversion status is not correctly displayed. 16. File Open/Save dialogs: Files in use (locked) by other applications will not appear. 17. General performance: The minimum thread priority delta for threads is changed from 0 to 1. This lets other applications in the system be even "more idle" than any of PMView's background tasks. 18. Installation: Installation instructions updated. 19. Installation: The REXX script for manual installation updated. ------------------------------------------------------- To subscribe, unsubscribe, or for more information on WarpCast, visit: http://www.warpcast.com/ -------------------------------------------------------