[WarpCast] A new version of Nice OS/2 Enhancer is available - 6/02/00

             Network Trace for OS/2
- Turn any OS/2 machine into a network probe.
- Take a trace on any segment in the network, in minutes.
- A software-only, hardware-independent implementation.

Source: Sergey Posokhov (abc@posokhov.msk.ru)
Moderator: Trevor Smith (trevor@haligonian.com)

The version 4.1 of Nice OS/2 Enhancer was released yesterday. There
are no new features in it, some bugs were revised, and user interface
was slightly improved.

You can download version 4.1 (840 KB) or update for 4.0 (170 KB)
from Hobbes:




Program URL with more information:


The Nice OS/2 Enhancer adds new features to the OS/2 operating system
such as the ability to:

  move an image into all windows by means of mouse or keys,
  change frames for all windows,
  extend your workplace by new "Rooms" around the Desktop,
  define keys to perform various actions,
  attach any network drive or FTP folder from file dialogs,
  manage the priority for some applications,
  remove items from the Window list,
  arrange text, WPS and Java windows by center of the screen,
  hold "Num Lock" always "ON" or "OFF",
  and more.

This Enhancer is very stable and fully compatible with other
software. I use it day by day and think that this is a great
"run-time" Fix for OS/2 Warp!
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