[WarpCast] VOICE Speakup with Sundial Systems - 6/04/00

             Network Trace for OS/2
- Turn any OS/2 machine into a network probe.
- Take a trace on any segment in the network, in minutes.
- A software-only, hardware-independent implementation.

Source: Dan Casey (dcasey3@home.com)
Moderator: Trevor Smith (trevor@haligonian.com)

On Monday, June 5th at 8:00PM EDT (0:00 GMT), VOICE will host a Live
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Chat Session (Speakup) with Sundial
Systems. Topic for this Speakup will be "Warptech 2000 Wrapup".

Sundial Systems exhibited and presented at the Warptech 2000 OS/2
Conference in Phoenix, AZ last weekend.

Randell Flint, gave us these hints as to some of the topics of


  Certainly one highlight was Steven King's overview of the future of
  OS/2... which had lots of positive points but which, interestingly,
  people seemed to view as "negative", "neutral", or "positive"
  depending on what you wanted to hear.

  The biggest "news" what Serenity's talk about eComStation... but
  they asked everyone not to talk about it publically since their
  deal with IBM hasn't been signed yet.

  I didn't get a chance to see it but, apparently the Odin demo was
  *very* impressive and they have come a long way... my understanding
  was that they actually showed MS Word running...

  Bill Schindler's new REXX book -- Down To Earth REXX -- was also
  newly available at the show. It's being published by Perfect Niche

  On the Sundial front, the major news was that we shipped Mesa 2
  Version 2.3. People at the show could buy it or get their free
  upgrade -- it will be available on our website later this week.

  But the *best* news is that Wayne Swanson (representing VOICE)
  pulled off a stunning victory in the Final round of Warped Jeopardy
  -- beating out Steve Schiffman (representing SCOUG) and Bill
  Schindler (representing POSSI) -- to claim bragging rights for
  VOICE in our Year 2000 User Group edition.


Join us Monday night in WEBBnet IRC, #VOICE channel and hear about
Warptech 2000.

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