[WarpCast] ConfigTool 0.94 available - 7/15/00

             Network Trace for OS/2
- Turn any OS/2 machine into a network probe.
- Take a trace on any segment in the network, in minutes.
- A software-only, hardware-independent implementation.

Source: Klaus Staedtler (staedtler-przyborski@web.de)
Moderator: Trevor Smith (trevor@haligonian.com)

ConfigTool is a CONFIG.SYS editor with:

- searchable database which explains the entries,
- sort and checking routines,
- boot/recovery options, and
- suggestions for optimization.

CFGTOOL.DAT database is based on OS2CFG11.DAT for ConfigInfo 4.0 by
Rick Meigs. All entries from the CM2CFG.DAT for ConfigMaint/2 are
also included, as some of the howto.dat.

New in version 0.94:

- Minor errors in sort and optimize fixed 
- Expanded Cfgool.dat (802 entries). 
- Optimize enhanced for filesystems and drivers. 

To download ConfigTool 0.94, visit:




Later it will be placed in:


Authors: Goran Ivankovic and Klaus Staedtler.

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