[Warpcast] Showsess session manager on Hobbes - 8/18/00

             Network Trace for OS/2
- Turn any OS/2 machine into a network probe.
- Take a trace on any segment in the network, in minutes.
- A software-only, hardware-independent implementation.

Source: RCB (rcb@iconet.com.br)
Moderator: Trevor Smith (feedback@warpcast.com)

Showsess allows you to list active sessions, list number of active
sessions, make the current session foreground, switch to sessionId n
(default is DOS), minimize current session on switching, maximize the
session being switched to, send WM_CLOSE to window being switched to,
dosKillProcess Process associated with session, switch to session
with "Subtitle" in the title, use a quoted string for multiple words
& switch to session with process ID #.

Showsess is now at:


It will eventually be at:

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