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February 2003 |
Maul Publisher V2.22 for OS/2
Maul Publisher is quite simply one of the most powerful DTP applications
available today. Combine text, images, and vector graphics to quickly
create pleasing and sophisticated documents.
URL - http://www.manglais.com
New to this version:-
* Coloured backgrounds to individual text strings provides magic marker
* Added mail merge function to the text handler.
* Fixed print dialog hang.
* Improved text orientation behaviour with linked text frames. * Improved
text linkage dialog.
* Drag and drop enabled. Many new drag/drop methods.
* Improved import and export, allows import of any recognised file into an
empty frame.
* Improved index creation.
* Right click on rulerbars gives snap setting dialog.
* Fixed bug in bitmap printing.
* Threaded colour selector. Also drag & drop enabled.
* Improved help under cursor F1 function.
* Added frame and group rotation and mirror functions
* Added 'Create object wizard' to framehandler
* Added popup help boxes
* Improved colour shading dialogs
* Improved embedded images in text
Links 0.98 text-mode www-browser
A fast and small text-mode www-browser that supports tables and frames
Program URL: http://artax.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~mikulas/links/
z! faq
I started a small z! faq on the z! message board, feel free to add to it.
best regards,
- dink
z! is a VIO application for playing MP3 and streaming MP3 music.
eCS 1.1 RC1 R1 for Warpstock pre-oder
I sent out a CD to *all* of the people that pre-ordered eCS 1.1 at
WarpStock/Austin from Serenity directly. This is a refresh of the eCS 1.1
Release Candidate 1 released on Dec 31, 2002.
No major functionality differences from the Release Candidate - just a
few bug fixes, plus it automatically applies MCP fixpak hash>3 to the base
system at the end of phase 1 but before reboot. This should help to
address some of the problems reported.
If you are in the US and ordered the show special at Warpstock in Austin,
you should receive a CD by the end of next week. If not, please send a
note to Info@Serenity-Systems.com. Folks who reside outside the US may
need to allow a little more time for delivery.
I also uploaded a "patch kit" to http://www.ecomstation.com/ for people that
downloaded RC1 so they can patch up their ISO image to the same level as
this refresh. You probably won't see this "patch kit" until Mensys places
it in the proper area.
The release candidate hash>1 process is now complete. We are now focusing on
pushing it to a GA status.
Kim Cheung
WVGUI updated 20030110
The WV project is donation-based. It's mean that you can support autors
donating some money for them. Your's support will allow project to live
and growing.
Feel free to donate us via BMT Micro at:
or directly,by contacting via email
PLEASE! Remove VIDEO2.INI first!
* fixed some 3175 on play startup MPEG video
* FAQ updated
+ new tool: regionset.exe
changes region for DVD drives (use it accurately: you cannot change
more then 4 times)
Program URL: http://os2.kiev.ua/
[ Moderator note: Just wanted to add my two cents. I just made my
donation to the WV project. These guys have done an outstanding job, and
I think they deserve whatever support anyone can spare. I can say that
Warp Vision now allows me to play DVDs on my laptop, the picture quality
is gorgeous. The last thing that amazed me this much was watching a win32
program load and run on my OS/2 system. We in the OS/2 Community owe a
deep vote of thanks to all these freeware developers who continue to do so
much with so little resources. IBM should be a shamed of itself, when
these guys can do all of this in their spare time and on their own dime.
PillarSoft Suite news
Already own WarpZip or the Enhanced E Editors and can't see spending
another hundred bucks to buy them again just to get the rest of the
PillarSoft Suite? PillarSoft announces deep discounts as low as $69 for
current registered users of WarpZip and/or the Enhanced E Editors. Here
is the skinny...
Registered users of the Enhanced E Editors may purchase the PillarSoft
Suite for $84.
Registered users of WarpZip may purchase the PillarSoft Suite for $79.
Registered users of WarpZip AND the Enhanced E Editors may now order the
PillarSoft Suite for just $69! That's $30 off the already discounted
suite for 12 MORE applications!
The PillarSoft Suite contains 14 applications and is currently selling at
the discounted rate of $99. Here is what you get...
* WarpZip
* Enhanced E Editors
* Data Shield - Secure deletion and cleanup.
* DeskTop Backup - Desktop security blanket. Very useful!
* SFX Installer
* ShowTime/2 - Background changer.
* PSC - Status Center & system information.
* Huey - Color selection utility
* Killer - "Mini" process killer
* Pocket PassWord Protector - Keeps password listings (encrypted)
* PCT -
Code Template Tool
* VP - a small but cute Video Player
* WarPaint - a "pixel paint" program for OS/2
* KidStreet - Educational program for kids made available for test market.
Large archive and not packaged with suite.
To take advantage of this great deal, email us at
suite_deal@pillarsoft.net for
your discount code and instructions.
Have a great OS/2 day!
Wayne Swanson
New BT32.SYS
I've just uploaded a new version of my BT32.SYS driver.
I've updated it to the latest linux bttv stable release 0.7.100
BT32.SYS is the ported linux bttv driver for TV grabber cards.
- TV
- Radio
- Teletext
It would be nice to hear from all of you, which cards are working with my
BT32.SYS driver. Please send me the specs of your card.
MfG Stefan Milcke
Lame 3.93.1
This archive contains a quick compile of the current (as at 9th January
2003) release of the LAME MP3 encoder for OS/2.
Three different versions of the .exe are included:
lame-gcc281.exe - compiled with the gcc 2.8.1 compiler included with EMX
lame-gcc303.exe - compiled with the gcc 3.0.3 compiler from Netlabs
lame-gcc303-Athlon.exe - compiled with the gcc 3.0.3 compiler from Netlabs
w/AMD Athlon optimisations.
The GCC 3.0.3 versions may require a runtime dll - not sure about this :)
If so, it is probably included in the archive at ftp://ftp.netlabs.org/pub/gcc/gcc-os2-3.0.3-beta-gcc.zip
I've included the gcc 2.8.1 binary as most people should have the EMX 0.9D
runtime, and also because on my Athlon system - lame-gcc281.exe was faster
than lame-gcc303.exe but slower than lame-gcc303-Athlon.exe
I'd be interested to hear results from Pentium III/IV users on which
version is fastest for them. I have only AMD machines here so can't test.
Any comments/feedback email me at paul@smedley.info with LAME in the
Program URL: http://lame.sourceforge.net/
wxOS/2 - GUI library (v. 2.4.0) published
The version 2.4.0 of the "wxWindows" library for cross-plattform GUI
programming has been published and is now also available for OS/2.
Original message:
" January 6th, 2003. wxWindows 2.4.0 has been released at last! You can
download it from here. This is the first official stable-API release since
2.2.9 and contains many enhancements in just about every area. 2.4.0 is
the first synchronized official release to include wxMac, wxX11 and
wxOS/2. "
or more infos and download see http://www.wxwindows.org
PillarSoft Updates
To so many of you, I must apologize as well as thank you for your
patience with me over the last few months. I have been away quite a lot
lately and a number of you haven't gotten the timely replies you expect
of me. As usual, I have found that most OS/2 users have been very
understanding and I appreciate it very much.
We have made a few updates to WarpZip, Data Shield and the Enhanced E
Editors over time so I freshened each of them as well as refreshing the
PillarSoft Suite with the new editions. There are still many items on my
TO-DO lists but this seemed like a good chance to get some updated
versions to you all.
Owners of the PillarSoft Suite will want to be sure to refresh their
installations as there have been some important updates under the covers
of Data Shield.
WarpZip and the Enhanced E's are available as separate programs or as
part of the PillarSoft Suite while Data Shield is available only to
registered users of the suite. Stop by and download your new versions. As
usual, there is no charge for this update.
Wayne Swanson
4OS2 Open Source Edition
JP Software's award-winning command line tools give you a new command
prompt that you can use every day -- for everything from launching
applications to serious file management and scripting. Offers command
enhancements, over 50 new commands, dozens of powerful batch file
features, and many other unique command line tools. Formerly a $69.95
shareware program. Now open source!.
Program URL:
z-mp3 player updated
Hi, I released a new update to z!, heres the update changelog:
x fixed: moving around bookmarks after deleting a bookmark caused problems
x 'b' to sort shoutcast search results/streams by bitrate
x -m commandline option fixed (z /? for a list of options & descriptions!)
x -l commandline option added to load (.m3u)playlist/files and don't start
playing right away
x audio device sharing uses z! config for ogg tracks
x other misc. small bugs fixed from alpha1
x z! playlist timer options: add hash> z!-timer: to the top of your playlist
(.m3u) file, examples:
hash> z!-timer: wait 1:00 next
when the playlist is loaded, it will go to the next track after the first
track played for 1 hour
hash> z!-timer: wait-until 06:00 play|writetodisk x.mp3
when the playlist is loaded, it will wait until 6:00am and then start
playing, and also write the stream to x.mp3. remove |writetodisk x.mp3 if
you don't want it to write to disk. note: the time must be in 24hr
format, not am/pm. the wakeup.mp3 file is specified so if the shoutcast
site or your internet connection is down, it'll default to playing
wakeup.mp3 @ 6:00am
to load the playlist from the commandline and not have it start playing
automatically, use the (new) -l command, example: "z -l wakeup.m3u" .. or
just use 'l' from inside the file selector
changes from alpha1:
x shift+insert to paste text from the clipboard in most input boxes
shoutcast search function ('h') fixed for 16bit tcp/ip stacks
right-click popup menu for the file selector
x scrollbar in the file selector now draggable
x "addnext" pipe command to add a track after the current song
all of the commands (except for the new timer functions) are documented
in z! by pressing f1, different screens (playscreen/file selector/etc)
have different keys so don't forget to use f1 on all of them.
- dink http://dink.org
OS/2 and the 2002
I decided to sit for a while and write some thoughts about what happened
with OS/2 on this 2002. So I tried to describe the how the 2002 year was
for OS/2, talk a little bit about the OS/2 software releases and the
important news of this year that has ended.
Check the article at:
http://www.os2world.com/ hash>03
WV GUI update
PLEASE! Remove VIDEO2.INI first!
! New Year - new bugs!!! :))
! postprocess complitely reworked (moved from mplayer sources)
see pp.txt for details
* fixes wma audio only plays
* WV engine
- libavcodec build 4650
- latest liba52
- small demuxer update (avi only)
- wmv2 init, libavcodec version + build version
- plays video media formats: mpeg1/2, avi, asf, mov, mp3 audio, wav -
audio codecs support (pcm, mp3, ac3, wma1, wma2, ms adpcm) -
HWENDIVE/WarpOverlay support (color in YUV422) - autodetecting color
scheme (not always works correctly) - fullscreen/windowed mode
- aspect ratio on/off in windowed mode
- skin support
- playlist support
- plays last played file (from stop place)
- basic dvd support (uncrypted)
- DVD subtitles support
- OSD support (On Screen Display)
- reading/writing playlists in WinAmp format
- drag'n'drop to playlist and control window (files and directories) -
play loop for files and lists
- basic (due lack of drivers which support > 2 channels except
Ruediger "Rudi" Ihle CMedia drivers) multichannel audio support
support for skins (thanks to Igor Saveliev aka gorynych)
- pipe interface
- Remote control support (Using Remote control daemon from TVSHOW project)
- Single copy running: when wv already running, second wv just exit
if second wv have file name as parametr, wv pass it to first copy, which
start play it immideately
Program URL: http://os2.kiev.ua/
HFS is the "Hierarchical File System" used on modern Macintosh
hfsutils is a software package that permits manipulation of HFS volumes.
Includes Source code released under the GNU GPL License. This is a port of
Robert Leslie's hfsutils package. It runs under DOS, Windows 95/98/2000/NT
and OS/2.
This program is no longer being developed or supported. If you are willing
to maintain the program, please contact the author. The Source code is
included on this package and its under GNU GPL license.
Program URL: http://www.f.kth.se/~f96-bet/hfsutils/
AiR-BOOT v1.00 RELEASEd...
Hi everyone!
AiR-BOOT v1.00 (Official Release) went out yesterday.
A boot-manager is a program, that is loaded just prior an OS (like OS/2,
DOS, Windoze, etc.) by the BIOS (the thing that is loaded right when you
turn on your computer).
AiR-BOOT is a highly customizable boot-manager with colored menu, built in
Setup and some other features that no other boot-managers offer today.
- New option to enforce exclusive LBA API usage for some really bad
- Bad BIOS INT 10h compatibility fix
- Localized Swedish version is now available as well
Download from: http://air-boot.netlabs.org/ or
cu, Kiewitz
AMD tested Athlon 64 with OS/2
As you know, AMD keeps on promising to release new-generation processors
based on the Hammer core - Athlon 64 and Opteron. The first is meant for
the desktop market, while the other for the server sector.
eCS v1.1 RC1 now available on CD to Canada and USA - US$15
Finnegan Software is pleased to announce that we've received the okay to
sell this release candidate on CD... with a few conditions.
First: You MUST eMail us or otherwise provide Finnegan Software (via this
eMail address - derek@finnsoft.com) with your FTP username and password
for the ecomstation.com site, so that we can verify that you do have a
valid UP subscription, and are able to access the UP area of the website.
(We will not be using it for any other purpose, legal or otherwise.)
Second: You understand and agree that this payment is ONLY for the CD-R
carrier media and paying Finnegan Software for the burning of the CD-ROM
and the postage to get it to you. It in no way otherwise constitutes an
additional charge to you as an SSI customer for Upgrade Protection of
eComStation 1.0, and is a completely optional purchase.
CD-ROM will be burned at 16x, and media may not be compatible with all
CD-ROM drives out there and in use. We cannot guarantee that your drive
will work with this media, though all recent drives will read it. This will ease strain on the download servers, save the hassle of
downloading it and burning it yourself, and give you a warm and fuzzy
feeling inside. Payment of US$15 (Cdn$23.00) by money order, cash, cheque (check), or
PayPal to "derek@finnsoft.com" will be accepted. Please include your FTP user/pass in your PayPal comments. Price includes shipping: CD's will be mailed out to postal addresses in
Canada and the United States, with all other countries commanding an
additional US$2.50 for postage. PayPal allows you to send the equivalent of US$17.50 using Euros, Pounds
Sterling, or even Yen. :) Please make cheques (in Cdn or US$ only) payable to "Finnegan Software",
and mail payments to: Finnegan Software, 10 Omega Square, Brampton, ON,
Canada L6Z 1K5, and please be aware that postage from the USA to Canada
is US$0.60. For Canadian customers, price includes all applicable taxes. ...and since someone will ask - you will receive the latest Release
Candidate available on the day your payment arrives - so don't worry about
paying for an RC1 and getting it after RC2 is released, for example. If
we get word that a new drop is coming, we will hold production on
unshipped orders until it's available. Each RC CD will be a separate payment (since it's the same amount of work
for us!). Thank you! We will, of course, be selling the full-version 1.1 eComStation as soon as
it's available. Finnegan Software, Inc. - is a Brampton, Ontario, Canada based reseller
that specializes in custom-built purrformance PCs featuring preloads of
eComStation. Incorporated in February 1995, we are looking forward to our
coming 8th anniversary in serving the needs of our clients, both locally
in the Toronto area, in Canada, and around the world, including Germany,
Holland, England, Mexico, Scotland, Australia, Italy, Singapore, Brazil,
South Africa, and most of the 50 United States of America. Please visit
our website at http://www.finnsoft.com/ and contact us for more info. Happy New Year and all the best in 2003!! -Derek OS/2 wishlist updated Many of our wishes have already come true! There are links below to OS/2
software which delivers a great many of the requested enhancements either
today, or will in the near future! An indication of the status (freeware /
shareware / commercial status) is given in many instances. Your help with
links and in identifying other OS/2 software that may fulfill the wishes
of different readers is greatly appreciated! Due to the sustained efforts of dedicated, skillful OS/2 contributers such
as Ulrich Möller, Daniela Engert, Sander van Leeuwen, Vincenzo Venuto,
Chris Wohlgemuth and Yuri Dario in Europe; Aaron Lawrence in New Zealand;
Takayuki Suwa in Japan, Brian Havard and Peter Moylan in Australia and a
whole galaxy of talent in North America - the value and quality of OS/2
and eComStation systems and software is increasing every month. Have some ideas to add to the Warp Wishlist? http://www.os2bbs.com/os2news/OS2Wishlist.html InetPowerServer v0.9.5 (Beta) released On Jan 2nd 2002, The author Terje Flaar nning released v0.9.5 (Beta) of
his full featured Inet server package InetPowerServer (IPS). This new
version of IPS has a great number of improvements over the previous
version. Among the changes are: For a full list of changes, check Appendix A in the IPS documentation
available from the IPS site. http://www.InetPowerServer.com/documentation/index-history.html InetPowerServer will help you provide efficient and stable Inet services
for e-mail, file transfers and web contents. IPS provides a common
security setup for multiple services, an advanced virtual file system and
flexible multi hosting or even multiple site personalities their own
security context. Many of the recent extensions to the supported protocols
(FTP, HTTP, POP3 and SMTP) are also implemented in IPS making it one of
the most feature complete Inet serving packages around for any platform.
The IPS Alpha Team is still open for anyone to join as long as they have a
Yahoo ID! (for access to additional features) and have time to test and
report back on most closed releases done within the IPS Alpha Team.
Inactive users will however be automatically removed from the IPS Alpha
Team after a while. Join the IPS Alpha Team from the http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IPS-alpha page. Work has begun developing an IMAP component for inclusion into the IPS
product to further enhance the e-mail features available to your clients.
There is no fixed date for completion of this new component yet, but it
will first reach the users of the IPS Alpha Team before a public version
with IMAP support will be made available. The official IPS site can be found at http://www.InetPowerServer.com/ from
where you can download the latest available version at any time. IPS is
high quality software offered to you for free! Direct download:http://www.inetpowerserver.com/downloads/ips095b1.zip Limewire for OS/2 v2.8.5 Limewire for OS/2 v2.8.5, java P2P app - search and download mp3's,
movies, etc. gogo-3.11-fix1 This software is a mp3 encoder based on LAME3.88, which is optimized for
Enhanced 3D Now!/SSE/SSE2 and dual-CPUs. Long Description: Program URL: http://homepage1.nifty.com/herumi/gogo_e.html Security/2 Common OpenSSH is a FREE version of the SSH protocol suite of network
connectivity tools that increasing numbers of people on the Internet are
coming to rely on. OpenSSH encrypts all traffic (including passwords) to
effectively eliminate eavesdropping, connection hijacking, and other
network-level attacks. OpenSSH supports SSH 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0 protocols. OpenSSH/2 At this time, current devel version of OpenSSH/2 is available. To strt VIO
programs via SSHD use viostart.exe or tnpipe.exe (from ssh1 distributions)
as the shell. Program URL: http://en.ecomstation.ru/openssh/ WaveCut version beta 10 WaveCut is a PM tool for playing and cutting large wav files into smaller
wav file tracks. It runs under os/2 and ecomstation. http://www.subsys.de/wavecut/WCut10b.zip Its freeware. Enjoy!
[News Index]
January 07
January 07
* more complete documentation
* proper e-mail delivery reporting
* most configuration settings made optional and given default values *
added support for easier upgrades to future versions
* better support for FTP services behind firewalls
* added support for .dll based hook in addition to the previous .rexx
based ones.
January 07
January 07
January 06
Security/2 Alpha
Here is a Security/2 package that provides a user-based security for
remote and (in future) for local users. It means that you can restrict
users to create, read, write, delete certain files, execute certain
processes, kill only this user processes.
January 05
- small and tall PM interface
- integrated wav player
- fast cutting (integration of COPYWAVE)
- source files can be very large, up to 4 GB
- adjust the volume of several files to the same level (integration of
- fade in / fade out of tracks
- burning tracks to CDR (support for "RSJ CD WRITER")
- DAO compatible
- integration of rexx scripts
- sample scripts to encode the tracks to MP3 or OGG VORBIS formats
- sample script to create medleys
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