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February 2003 |
PM Make V1.34
Love it or hate it, PM Make for OS/2 is now freeware.
Probably the most comprehensive PM based make program available, this
product performs the core functions of making, backup and restore, as
well as being totally tools independent. PM Make can manage projects
spread over directories, split into myriad subdirectories, numerous
output files including several .exe, .inf, .hlp etc. in one make. PM Make
provides plugin dll's, push button control of tools options, library
selection, selective backup, restore and more. PM Make is multithreaded
and never gives you a wait pointer. You can safely run multiple instances
of PM Make. In conjunction with Program Editor you can stop on errors and
fix bugs on the fly. Small memory footprint.
Download it from http://www.manglais.com
(I will also upload it to hobbes)
January 2003 OS/2eZine
URL: http://www.os2ezine.com/
From The Editor
Robert Basler
Settling for OS/2?
Isaac Leung wonders if he would choose OS/2 today.
Fx Firewall, InCharge! and ManPlatoSync
Douglas Clark offers a trio of reviews.
Autonumbering with WordPro
Isaac Leung offers some WordPro help.
REXX for beginners
Luc Van Bogaert offers a beginners guide to extending the WorkPlace Shell.
A Mozilla Mission
James Cannon installs Mozilla on Warp 3.
OS/2 is Boring Part 6
Bas Heijermans tries OS/2 under Virtual PC
The Art Department
Cool desktops for you
Ask John & Rob
John Bijnens and Robert Basler answer your OS/2 questions in this ongoing
January Forums
Questions for the authors? Disagree with us? Take it to the forums.
Virtual floppy disk 3.0
MP3 information, tagging and listing PM-utility.
Displays information for MP3 audio files, allows adding and removing of
ID3-tags (v1.0/1.1) can output all files with their info to a listfile,
can autorename files, etc. Easy editing of multiple files, either one by
one or all at once. Free software under the GPL.
Program URL: http://www.teamos2.ipcon.de/~thielen/programs/minta/
A self-installing WarpIN archive for TVFS 2.11
Weasel 1.60 supports multiple mail domains
The long-awaited multidomain version of the Weasel mail
server has finally been released. You can get it from
or from
or by searching for Weasel at BMT Micro or Hobbes.
For those who don't know it, Weasel is a mail server for
OS/2 and eCS that supports the SMTP and POP3
protocols. It is sufficiently scalable to support anything
from a small home network to a good-sized office. The
multidomain feature allows you to be the mail service
provider to multiple clients.
Effective immediately, Weasel has become two separate
products, although with a common physical packaging.
The "Pro" version supports multiple mail domains and
has compulsory registration. The "Standard" version is
less expensive but permits only one domain. As before,
registration of the "Standard" version is optional.
Existing Weasel users should upgrade to this version even
if they don't want the multidomain support, because there
are improvements over older versions that are applicable
whether or not you enable the multidomain feature.
drawit 3.5
DrawIt 3.5 has been released at BMT-Micro.
DrawIt 3.5 is a vector oriented drawing tool written for OS/2 Warp with
all the features you'd expect in a "paint brush" type program plus a lot
of nifty features such as balloon help creation and more.
It has some new features and fixes.
1 - performance upgrade
2 - More line thicknesses
3 - Large images loaded inside page
4 - Network printer support
5 - Bug fixes
For the rest, see the help file section about
Have fun
Jasper de Keijzer
ZxMail v1.2.13 released.
Hi everyone i updated zxmail to version 1.2.13
Release 1.2.13
Fixed: If returned message was to an Alias the message would get to
default mailbox
Fixed: Rexx external interface errors in load function with the provided
Fixed: Mime for return email had an error, which made attachment not
visible, also would add an empty attachment.
Fixed: SMTP relay mode would not keep sending emails if DATA FROM command
Fixed: Timezone error, fixed.
Fixed: If APOP was selected for external mailbox, and the server did not
support it, it would crash ZxMail in ZxPop3 module.
Fixed: empty email message would be accepted, causing some client to
crash, now if email does not have a body it is rejected.
Fixed: hang when modifying a filter and reopening the properties or going
through the blocking/filter list.
Fixed: invalid login in smtp auth using the smtp relay, only affects
CRAM-MD5 login, LOGIN and PLAIN worked fine.
Fixed: Now sends "quit" sent after failure to use smtp auth with smtp
Modified: received info in the header.
Added: ZxAdmin command tool allows you to control remotely your server,
still work to be done on it, it is not safe to use in production
environment yet.We recommend you update to this version.
You can download the file from
or directly from
Here are some of the features of ZxMail Server.
ZxMail can pull email from other POP3 accounts and redistribute it to a
domain by the username or to specific users on any domain.
ZxMail supports an unlimited number of aliases.
ZxMail can forward mail to internal or external mailboxes.
ZxMail supports multiple forwards and chaining of those forwards (meaning
if a message destined for A and A has a forward to B and B has a forward
to C the message for A then goes to C and A can have other forwards)
ZxMail supports multiple domains with no limits
ZxMail can route email through another SMTP server to save on bandwidth.
ZxMail is multi threaded for maximum performance.
ZxMail supports IP filtering to block or to allow connection based on an
IP address.
ZxMail supports SMTP AUTH command with CRAM-MD5, PLAIN, LOGIN mechanism.
Evaluation license for more mailbox than the basic 2 can had on request,
just send an email to demo@zeryx.com Rexx scripting at 4 different points
of a mail transaction, smtp connect, smtp pre DATA , smtp post DATA, and
POP3 external mailbox fetch.
To view the pre requisite to run ZxMail go to
For a listing of what is new in the
current version of ZxMail go to
For screen shots of ZxMail go to
ZxMail can be purchased at:
BMTmicro http://www.bmtmicro.com/BMTCatalog/os2/zxmail.html
Mensys http://shop.mensys.nl/uk/ZxMail/
Zeryx Software
eBayWatch/2 Ver 1.09h
Hello All,
eBayWatch/2 is an auction management tool for OS/2 users. It works solely
with the eBay auction site. It is meant to aid the user in searching for,
monitoring and bidding on auction items. eBayWatch/2 is copyright
Required -
1) partition with long filename support (hpfs/jfs)
2) rexxutil.dll and rxsock.dll in libpath
3) must start from its work directory, or a program object which sets the work
I have uploaded ver 1.09h to -
From the readme -
- eBay changes broke search page results
There are some other known anomolies that haven't been fixed, but I'm a
little pressed for time right now. Hopefully there will be a break in a
couple of weeks.
As always, if you find anything strange or broken, please let me know.
OS2World.com Gaming Site is Back On-Line
I had finally set up again the OS2World Gaming Site.
Visit it at:
WVGUI updated 20030115
PLEASE! Remove VIDEO2.INI first!
+ added OGG audio (not tested)
* cache really enabled :))) (except mp3 audio and NI avi)
* image in WO mode now in fullsize (may be some bugs in DIVE modes)
* no
DVD subtitles, when original size. fixed
* window stays in FS after finished if no LOOP. fixed
* added Alt -/+ hot keys to change sound volume
* automates choosing WO/DIVE mode in setting
* Stop cause Out to desktop turns to ON state. fixed
* D'n'd rejected while playing
Program URL: http://os2.kiev.ua/
DFSee version 5.10 released.
Hi all,
Version 5.10 has seen the light of day ...
Some more updates and bug-fixes have been added and a small
user-interface cleanup. (Try Regards, JvW +++++++++++++++++ standard announcement ++++++++++++++++++ DFSee is the SWISS-ARMY-KNIFE for disk and filesystem problems. With
FDISK-like displays, analysis and recovery, FIX commands, UNDELETE for
HPFS/NTFS, imaging and cloning. More details at: http://www.dfsee.com/dfsee.htm Direct download links: Most important functional changes: Check DFS*.TXT files for details, all changes listed in DFSHIST.TXT Registering DFSee will give you the right to use all 5.xx versions and get
support plus a reasonable amount of assistance by email. Existing 4.xx
registrations can be upgraded to 5.xx as well. But even more important, it enables further development of DFSee! Regards, Jan van Wijk Jan van Wijk, author of DFSee; http://www.dfsee.com 903005 Software Withdrawal: IBM Shrinkwrap Software Part Number [Moderator's note: Among the items included in this huge withdrawl list
are "386HPFS for OS/2 Warp Server eBusiness UPG" and "SCREEN READER/2 2.0
UPG" as well as CICS for OS/2 and several other OS/2 software packages.
Most listed are not OS/2 applications, and none have any replacements.] ASPIROUT V1.1 Beta 6 released http://home.clara.net/orac/os2.htm "This is an updated version of Daniel Dorau's ASPI Router device driver.
It is designed to support simultaneous access to the driver from more than
1 process. For the programmer, it simplifies and enhances the interface
whilst retaining backwards compatibilty and removes the need for
application semaphores to signal command completion. Now includes a simple
driver debugging utility for monitoring SCSI commands sent from
applications. This is a Beta version. Use with care." eGAMER 1.0 eGAMER is a database which holds information on running Dos and Win 3.x
games under the eComStation Operating system. (Future versions will also
hold information on running Java games, ODIN and eCSVM) Many native Dos games do not run under eCS with the default settings, in
order for them to work a number of Dos settings must be modified. The
games that do work with the default settings do not usually run at optimum
capacity. eGAMER allows the storage and quick retrieval of these settings, in fact
the database holds a large number of settings for the most popular Dos
games which were released during the eighties and early nineties. This database is increasing on a daily basis with the aim to allow users
to be able to play their old Dos games without any problems. eGAMER will
create a desktop icon set with the correct and optimal settings for that
game to work with a simple double click. The program shows the game type, Company, screenshot, icon and if
available any cheats, faq's and readme files containing special notes
regarding the selected game. Gaming information under eComStation of all types is provided on the menu
bar with sections on how to get your games working plus information on Dos
and WineCS settings, sound cards, tips and more. Version 1.0 is being released as Freeware wvgui update 20030113 PLEASE! Remove VIDEO2.INI first! Program URL: http://os2.kiev.ua/ http://www.laemmlin.net/mirror/wvgui/wvgui20030113.zip Casio WMP-1 OS/2 Support :) I just finished my Casio WMP-1 Rexx-based "driver". My "driver" is using USBCALLS/USB for Rexx, it's working flawlessly and
it's also allowing download of MP3s from the watch. It's not limited like
the original (windows) software. It will get released later in a bigger
package, but this will take some time. If someone wants to get the driver
(including CLI/VIO interface), just email me at kiewitz@netlabs.org. If someone from Linux community (or some other OS) wants to get the specs
how to interface the watch, feel free to write as well. I'm also looking for other people that have a portable MP3 player that
doesn't have any OS/2 support. This is not limited to USB devices. I
would also like to find someone with an original Rio player (parallel
port). Of course, you should be using OS/2. cu, Kiewitz The Notebook/2 Site Hi, I was extremely quiet in the last months. It's simply not possible that I
continue maintaining the site. I have other projects running which
consume my time. OS/2 is no longer in use - I've switched to Linux, and
ever since I did that, I am extremely satisfied and have started OS/2
only once or twice since. One major reason is because I never got the
ADSL-connection over a router working properly. I had to have an OS which
does that without any problem. OS/2 would keep the connection for a few
minutes, and then it would die with no way of reviving it again, but
restarting OS/2. So I switched to Linux, which does it like a charm. This does not mean I do not support OS/2 any more. But it has a lower
priority. An interesting development was that more and more Windows-using
people started asking me for help, and less and less OS/2 people. That
also shows that, in spite of all efforts, OS/2's future isn't very
bright. I've not heard about how eCS is doing. Judging from the website,
it's pretty active, but will it keep up with all the new and different
hardware? I'm looking for someone who is still into OS/2 (could also be a group of
people) and who is willing to take up the job of completely remodeling
the OS/2 site and make it up to date again. I have some info still to be
uploaded, maybe I do it (if the site at os2world gets back online), or
you can do it. Please let me know whoever is interested! Thanks for your continuing support! Martin DrMartinus@gmx.net
ASPIROUT V1.1 Beta 6 release http://home.clara.net/orac/os2.htm Pine 4.52 is here Hi all. I've just uploaded Pine 4.52 for OS/2 to Hobbes and it should shortly
appear in the usual place. This is a bug-fix release from the University
of Washington and there are no OS/2-specific changes. As always, more
details are available from Pine ("Programme for Internet News and E-mail") is a well-known and
well-loved text-based e-mail client. It can access POP3 and IMAP mail
servers, as well as act as a client for NNTP news servers. It also comes
with the simple text editor Pico and file browser Pilot. http://www.zeta.org.au/~nps/software/pine/en/index.html Nicholas S.
[News Index]
- LVM Opt -R and support for USB-memory-sticks (1 sect/track)
- LVMSHOW Use -R option on LVM to avoid creation of LVM info
- SIM/WIPE Cleanup of . $ .NNN and 'this' symbolic values
- CLONE Use 0xFE as bad-sector pattern (eye-catcher)
- DFSee
- FATSIM Added -z option for .IMZ compressed FAT images
- PART Added FreeBSD/OpenBSD OEM/format to table display
- GEO Fixed rare errors on OS2/DOS with forced geometry
- SETTYPE Made 4th parameter (old type) optional again
- WIPE New "z" as zero-pattern shortcut parameter
- PRESTORE Added more detail to all confirmation dialogs
- PART/MAP Fix logical/wasted freespace text display
- VIRT Allow .PDX files older than 5.06 to be used
- SETBOOT Using more detailed confirmation dialogs
- DFSTART Changed default base-filename to DFSTARTX.*
- DFSUNFD Fixed special cases for GEO and ALL parameters
January 14
_ 903005 Software Withdrawal: IBM Shrinkwrap Software Part Numbers
January 14
ASPIROUT V1.1 Beta 6 has been released.
This has 2 major changes:
1) Work around buglets and other weirdness in CDRECORD et
2) Support for ASPI router monitor, to see what commands applications are
trying to send
January 13
Program URL: http://www.esimplesoft.org
January 13
* mp3 audio comes back :)
* video freezes if some part of Movie window is behind left or bottom
of PM screen in DIVE modes (RGB/BGR)
* 3175 when stop MPEG2 (VOB) video in DIVE modes (RGB/BGR)
* memory leak in DIVE modes (RGB/BGR)
* turned back MMX optimisations in MPEG2, WIN32 decoders
* fixed wrong Out to Desktop behavior (Movie window displays with wrong
position and size)
Feel free to donate to us via BMT Micro at:
or directly,by contacting via email
January 13
Casio WMP-1 is the first watch, that is capable of playing MP3s (32 MB MMC
included). Till now, it had Windows support only.
January 13
my webpages:
January 13
ASPIROUT V1.1 Beta 6 has been released.
This has 2 major changes:
1) Work around buglets and other weirdness in CDRECORD etc.
2) Support for ASPI router monitor, to see what commands
applications are trying to send
January 12
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