Virtual OS/2 International Consumer Education

February 1999

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Awaiting the Spring Thaw!

An editorial view from Mark Dodel, editor of the VOICE Newsletter

While those of us in the Northern hemisphere hide in the house waiting for the Spring thaw, be sure to check out the updated VOICE Future events Calendar in this newsletter or on the VOICE website at In January VOICE sponsored a Saturday speakup event on 30th at 1PM EST (18:00 GMT) focusing on REXX. Our special guests that day were Chip Davis, Dr. Dirk Terrell and Mike Cowlishaw, the "Father of REXX". This was one of our most popular IRC events to date, so stay tuned to channel #voice for more great OS/2 extravaganzas. VOICE is here to support the OS/2 user, so if there are any special guests you would be interested in hearing from please drop us a line - This month on February 15th we host Adam Hall of Polyex Software focusing on their newest release: Hopkins FBI. Continuing with a focus on OS/2 Games on March 1st we have Douglas Hendrix of Solar Systems Software and Mike Ramsey of Trilliun Software Products focusing on their respective OS/2 games Stellar Frontier and Master of the Empire.

Hopefully with the Spring thaw, will come a spanking new version of OS/2 Warp Server followed by the latest of the walking dead the OS/2 Warp 5 client. It isn't just rumour anymore, as IBM is considering releasing a stripped down version of the Server as a new client. I doubt it was all of the clamoring from us small fry that brought this about. Most likely it was the demands of several of IBM's largest clients demanding a Y2K compliant client out of the box. Ahh, only a few more months until the flowers begin to bloom and IBM does what it said it would never do again - release another OS/2 client version.

This month has already seen the release of a refresh of Communicator for OS/2 (you can get it from IBM's Software Choice site - and another new fixpack for Warp 3.0 (now FP40 - and a new version of the Corrective Service facility (CSF 1.40 - Too bad IBM doesn't see the same need to develop new application software to go with their updated operating systems. They promote OS/2 as an e-Business solution, but then only develop e-business apps for everything but OS/2. I am referring to things like their eNetwork LDAP Directory, developed for windows, AIX, Solaris, OS/400, OS/390, and HP/UX, but not OS/2. Similarly IBM eNetwork Personal Communications V4.3 for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT for which IBM boasts about "is a key part of IBM's Host Integration Solution" and how it "delivers the power of Java without requiring in-depth programming or Java knowledge", but there is no mention of any updates to the OS/2 version, which was the original platform the product was delivered on. Finally, IBM abandoned all voice development on OS/2 saying there was no business case for it, but now they are announcing business pc's loaded with IBM's Via Voice for windows. Obviously IBM's management is talking out of both sides of their mouth at the same time. But I suppose the market for supporting windows junkware is just too lucrative to not jump on the lemming express. I applaud IBM's reconsideration of the release of an OS/2 client as well as their continued outstanding support of the existing Warp products, but if they refuse to develop for their own platform then who will? If there is an IBM product you would like to see developed for OS/2 send your feedback to IBM at

It's Income Tax time again in the United States, so that has me thinking about all the taxes I have to pay. The worst of them is the microsoft tax. You know the one I'm talking about don't you? The one every computer buyer must pay when they order a new system from a major vendor like Gateway, Dell, IBM, Compaq and the all the rest even if they never use the bundled windows operating system. This is the only non-governmental body I know of that can demand money for a product you don't want and won't use. Well the Linux folks have started an effort that I hope becomes an avalanche. They outline a process whereby anyone who refuses to run the microsoft operating system infesting their new computer can request a refund in exchange for not accepting microsoft's license conditions. This is one idea we can all get behind and help support. For details go to Write a letter to your local newspaper. Make your friends aware that they can voice their opinion and maybe get back some of the micro$oft tax.

Our February 1999 issue of the VOICE Newsletter begins with an article by Rob Fargher on XFree86/2 ; what it is, why it's useful and how to set it up. Next up we have an article on Installation of the AOpen AW37 Pro audio card in OS/2 by Lynlee. This article might help other OS/2 users who are having some problems replacing an existing sound card. We also have an article by Kim Cheung on an interesting new OS/2 only product called WiseManager(TM) which sounds like just the ticket for small to medium businesses to get out from under the microsoft yoke. In addition, Tom Nadeau begins his multi-part series of articles on OS/2 and the year 2000 with "Y2K and the Search for Scapegoats -- Part 1" .

As a followup to last month's review of US Tax software under OS/2 I have a review this month of ExcelTax 98 for DOS/Windows a package that might just fit the bill for an experienced tax return preparer. We also have an OS/2 small business solution profile of HOUSE/2 by Mark Kerzner. And as if we don't have enough opinion pieces in this newsletter between Don Eitner and myself, here are two more editorial pieces contributed by VOICE VP Wayne Swanson on Rumors, Rumors Everywhere... and another by Tom Nadeau titled "They Just Don't Get It". Then Peter Lazenby takes yet another look at Star Office 5.0 in The Saga Continues. And in the VIEW from the End(User), Don Eitner discusses "The Anti-Trust Trial and Its Effect on OS/2".

Mark Dodel
Editor, VOICE Newsletter

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