Active GUI element
Static GUI element
WPS object
Command line
Entry-field content
[Key combination]
We scan the Web, Usenet and the OS/2 mailing lists looking for these gems. Have you run across an interesting bit of information about OS/2 or eComStation recently? Please share it with all our readers. Send your tips to tips@os2voice.org. If you are interested in joining a particular OS/2 mailing list, check out the VOICE Mailing List page for subscribing instructions for a large variety of existing lists - http://www.os2voice.org/mailinglists.html.
Tips Editor wanted!
May 1, 2007
Our Tips Editor, William D Loughman, has informed us that due to changes of personal nature he has to retire from his position as Tips Editor for the VOICE Newsletter. We express our sincere thanks for his work, and we are certainly going to miss YKE's comments.
We are searching for a person to take over Bill's position.
The requirements for the position are as follows:
- Persistence: We need a commitment to the job for a longer period. There is no use in training someone who's going to leave again two months later.
- Reliability: We rely on you getting your work done, and done correctly, before certain deadlines. Of course, there always is the possibility of things getting in the way—in such cases tell us about it in a timely manner.
- Grammar and spelling knowledge: As many tips do not come from native speakers, proof-reading and editing is required.
- Information resources: You should be subscribed to at least a few of the OS/2-related mailing lists or newsgroups, and scan these for interesting information on a regular basis.
The following is desirable but not required:
- XHTML/CSS skills: Knowledge of which tags there are and what a CSS class is appropriate.
The job consists of:
- Scanning information resources for potential tips.
- Assembling tips that come from above resources or have been submitted directly to VOICE. This includes a short introduction for each tip.
- Proof-reading including corrections of awkward phrasing as well as bad grammar and spelling. Our proof-readers do edit the Tips page, too, but they shouldn't have to completely rephrase things.
- Formatting the Tips page according to our author guidelines.
- Possibly giving advise to the translation team, e.g., regarding idioms and jargon.
If you are interested, please contact us at editor@os2voice.org.