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Volume 10, Number 07
- Future events calendar
- User group meetings and OS/2-related events.
- The Editors of VOICE speak out: Island Communities — Fragmentation paid dearly
by Christian Hennecke OS/2 community
is a term that is used most often to denote and address the group of OS/2 and eComStation users. But is it correct to do so? Christian Hennecke provides a critical view of the group's state.- os2news.com — Don't stop the press! — An Interview with Roderick Klein
by Christian Hennecke - OS/2 has a new news service, OS2News.com. Christian Hennecke talked to initiator Roderick Klein about reasons, differences to other services, the technical background and motivation.
- OS/2 Museum at VCF East
by Mark Dodel - At Warpstock 2005, a museum of old computers running old versions of OS/2 was displayed. Mark Dodel has found a new home for it and reports from its first day out at the VCF East.
- Lucide — A new Document Viewer for eComStation
by Robert Henschel - For years, OS/2 users have been struggeling with PDF documents. The last native Acrobat Reader was version 3. Ghostscript and GSView did not provide support for newer PDF versions and setup wasn't user-friendly. The Odin-based ports by Innotek suffered from the growing slowness of Acrobat Reader, had stability and printing issues and haven't been updated. But there is hope for a cure. Robert Henschel reviews the new light-weight document viewer Lucide.
- Astronomy applications
by Per Johannson - Astronomers and star-gazers need
sky view
programs that they can use on eComStation or OS/2 to predict what the sky will look like at a given time and position. Per Johansson has reviewed three such programs, all with their own style and capabilities: PmAs, Night Vision, and XEphem. - How to create a Database using Lotus Smartsuite — Part 5
by Arthur van Egmond - Databases are a good way of organizing large amounts of information for quick access. However, many are quite complicated to use. In this series, Arthur van Egmond shows how easy it can be with Lotus Approach.
- OS/2 Tips
- Collected useful hints from OS/2 forums
- Letters, Addenda, Errata
- What our readers have to say. Errata and additional information.
The VOICE Newsletter
- Legend
- An overview of markup that is used throughout the Newsletter.
- Guide lines for Article Submissions to the VOICE Newsletter
- Information for authors including topic suggestions, detailed information about different article types for novice authors, and formatting.
- Disclaimer and Copyright
- The inevitable terms and conditions.
- What is VOICE?
- A short introduction to VOICE and its goals.
- Officers/Staff
- The VOICE Board of Directors, site operators, and Newsletter staff.
- Membership
- Information for potential members, including the bylaws.
- Sponsors
- Persons, companies, and institutions that sponsor VOICE.

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