This month VOICE interviews several business OS/2 users. One a custom computer
system/networking business owner, a government scientist, and an educator. Our first
interview is with Charles D. Smith, owner of Krystal Computers and an IBM BEST TEAM
VOICE > What kind of business are you involved in?
Charles > We build custom machines and networks for small business 50 seats
or less. Some of my clients include doctors, lawyers, real estate people, plumbers,
VOICE > Can you please describe your current use of OS/2 in your workplace?
What kind of hardware and software are you using for OS/2? Approximately how many
pc's are running OS/2 at your site?
Charles > I use nothing but OS/2 at my business on all my machines and the
reason is it works with very little problems My hardware is very diverse from 486's
all the way up to Pentium II's. I use only OS/2 software at my site PMMail, Lotus,
VOICE > How did you decide to use OS/2? What features were considered important
for this project(s)? What previous experience was there with OS/2 and other operating
Charles > I have close to 15 years in the computer business, I have used just
about every OS in one form or other. The reason I chose OS/2 is because it works,
it is stable and it is cost effective.
VOICE > What other operating systems if any were under consideration or are
used for your business? If you use OS/2 in conjunction with other OSes in any form
of a network, how well does OS/2 work with these other systems?
Charles > I used Windows for awhile then when an IS manger from a very large
firm told me about OS/2 I tried it and have not turned back.
VOICE > Do you foresee continued/increasing use of OS/2 in this fashion?
Charles > I would love to keep using and recommending OS/2 but if IBM is going
in the direction it looks like they are going I will start recommending OpenLinux
to my clients. WSOD is not for everybody and IBM needs to realize this. Fat clients
will be needed for a long time to come.
VOICE > Are there any changes that you would like to see to OS/2 that would
facilitate your continued use or expanded use of OS/2?
Charles > Better support by IBM for me and my clients
VOICE > How have IBM's statements that they are targeting the medium to large
business sector affected your work or your decision to continue using OS/2 for this/these
Charles > Like I said before if it continues this way I will switch to Linux
VOICE > If IBM licensed another company to sell the OS/2 client to home/SOHO
users, would it affect your usage of OS/2 (would you use more OS/2 clients for your
work, etc)? If this company could add features, what features would you like to
see added?
Charles > I think this would be a step in the right direction for IBM. That
way they could cover all bets large and small. I would like to see the same things
supported for OS/2 that is supported by MS. USB, Parallel port scanners, all the
of the shelf stuff. You would be amazed at how many small business buy of the shelf
VOICE > Would you be interested in a refreshed version of OS/2 Warp 4.0, that
is a new install package that included all fixes and new enhancements as well >as
new harware support since the original release?
Charles > YES
VOICE >Has your business been contacted by IBM about the potential use of
Work Space on Demand? Do you see any use for that product in your business?
Charles > NO