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World Clock is freeware, configurable clock with Daylight Savings Time, Stopwatch,
Alarm, Program launcher, Calendar for 1 to 9 cities from 400+ cities in the provided
City list.
New in version 1.01:
To download World Clock 1.01, visit :
There has just been posted a brief report on Warpstock '99 in Japanese language.
If you are the one who reads it, try visiting http://www.gis.net/~tandjm.
This is the only thing I can do even though I could not help running the fantastic
TiMidity is originally an UNIX program. It plays MIDI files entirely in software
(except for the final output, of course) and plays with a much higher quality then
the FM system, that many sound cards have. It's quality is equivalent to a wave-table
MIDI system, if not a bit better.
I orginally ported TiMidity as a stand alone executable with both a text-based
and PM-based interface that used DART for output.
I have now released TiMidity MCD. It is a .DLL version of TiMidity that interfaces
with MMOS/2 as a Media Control Device which allows any OS/2 program that plays MIDIs
through MMOS/2 can use TiMidity. This means the Multimedia objects and the Netscape
Plug-in-Pack can can now use TiMidity. Applcations that use RT-MIDI cannot use TiMidity
MCD because they go through a different layer of MMOS/2.
TiMidity MCD works but is not quite finished. It is not based on the TiMidity++
code base so it doesn't have any of its new features. While it works with the MIDI
"Play" and "Player", it does not work with the "Editor".
It generates a log file on the root of your C: drive. It can only read the timidity.cfg
file from the C:\TIMIDITY directory. It doesn't have very much error handling. There's
no way to configure most of the things you could normally configure with command
line options. Furthermore, my ability to work on these things will be sporadic at
best. If you want to work on some of these things, feel free.
You can get more information and download it from my website at http://www.reamined.on.ca/doconnor/timidity.html
Junk Spy (http://www.sundialsystems.com/junkspy/)
is ready for download.
"It's a free prerelease version," says Randell Flint of Sundial. "We're
finished with our internal testing, and now we want everyone to give it a try. Go
straight to the Junk Spy page and get yourself a copy."
Junk Spy installs between your email program and your mail server where it watches
for, and filters out, junk mail.
"This is a hands-off answer to everyone's junk mail problem" adds Rollin
White, Junk Spy's Development Manager. "Here at Sundial we constantly analyze
new junk mail and we also continuously update a database of known spammer sites.
We do all of the logic enhancements and database updates so Junk Spy is always current."
Get your prerelease version of Junk Spy right now at
"Junk Spy's logic engine lets us do much more than an end-user can with
filters, since a mail program's filters can't access a database of clues or do extensive
logic" says Randell Flint. "And because Junk Spy does all the checking
based on Sundial's constant flow of database updates and detection clues, there's
no need for a user to create filters and then keep them updated."
Junk Spy makes email more productive since you don't waste time cleaning trash
messages from your inbox. It's another solution from Sundial - "Sundial Has
The Answers".
Where do you get it?
You can download SciTech Display Doctor 7.0 for OS/2 BETA 9 from our ftp site
using the following URL:
What is SciTech Display Doctor for OS/2?
SciTech Display Doctor for OS/2 brings SciTech's proven DOS and Windows device
support technologies to the OS/2 Operating System. Although one of the core features
of our DOS and Windows products is the support for the VESA VBE/Core standard, the
OS/2 version has nothing at all to do with VESA services. Rather SciTech Display
Doctor for OS/2 incorporates the new SciTech Nucleus, Graphics Architecture device
driver technology to bring SciTech's device support to the OS/2 platform.
SciTech Nucleus is a binary portable, OS neutral, device driver architecture.
As binary portable drivers, SciTech can fully develop and test the core device drivers
in the DOS and Windows environments, while being able to target any Intel x86 based
OS as the runtime environment (such as OS/2). This essentially allows the OS/2 product
to utilise the same SciTech binary device drivers as the DOS and Windows versions
of the product, improving the quality and performance of the drivers for all supported
operating systems.
Runtime Requirements
SciTech Display Doctor for OS/2 requires a version of OS/2 Warp 3 or OS/2 Warp
4 in order to run. More imporantly, it requires at least Warp 3 with fixpack 35,
or Warp 4 with fixpack 5 installed. If you have a version with earlier fixpacks
installed, SciTech Display Doctor will refuse to install.
List of all supported chips:
This is a complete list of the various graphics cards that this version of SciTech
Display Doctor supports. Please note that this list refers to the actual chips being
used, not a board-level implementation. Thus you will not see any products from
Hercules or STB on the list, but their products are supported because they use S3,
Cirrus, Tseng, etc. chips. Also, any card with less than 512KB of memory cannot
be supported by SciTech Display Doctor.
Note that there are many more chipsets that will work with our existing legacy
VBE/AF based drivers, that are not included in this list. For a complete list of
all chipsets supported in our prior Windows and DOS products, please visit our web
site. We are currently in the process of moving all our existing device support
code to our new SciTech Nucleus device driver architecture. The above list only
lists those drivers that have been converted, and we won't be supporting any chipsets
not on the list until those drivers are properly converted.
Changes in BETA 9:
Boca Raton, Florida--Solution Technology has made their Textflow Batch OCR for
OS/2 Standalone product more affordable. STi was able to set a new user price of
$299 (USD) due to a new licensing agreement for the OCR engine.
Textflow is independent of any scanning application. The document image files
can come from almost anywhere. Textflow reads multiple image files of almost any
kind from a directory of your choice. Textflow quickly translates each page of each
image file into a document in ASCII text or Rich Text Format (RTF) which is saved
in another directory.
"We are pleased that we are able to offer a high performance OS/2 OCR product
for a lower cost to the end user.", said Leon Zetekoff, Product Manager of
Solution Technology.
STi is a major manufacturer of production level OS/2 and NT based image, barcode,
and forms processing products including BarCode Anywhere, Genie Forms Express, and
ReView Document Manager. In addition, the company is a principal supplier of accessory
imaging support subsystems for IBM's ImagePlus and VisualInfo product line as well
as Input Software's InputAccel product.
WWW: http://www.stiscan.com
NNTP: news://news.stiscan.com
First of all, I want to thank all those responsible for the event, and all those
who participated. The event was significant for Serenity Systems and I'd like to
relay a few of the reasons.
Serenity Systems established a relationship with SciTech involving support for
Display Doctor with Managed Clients(r). "Support for various video chip sets
and the higher resolutions is a challenge in the remote boot, remotely managed environment.
The agreeement with SciTech will significantly increase the supported hardware for
Managed Clients. This will likely mean that more organizations will be able to support
Managed Clients on their current equipment, making the implemention more feasible
in more organizations." according to Kim Cheung, Executive Director of Serenity
The relationship between SciTech and Serenity Systems will extend into future
products. In addition to SciTech, Serenity Systems reached a preliminary agreement
with Mensys in the Netherlands for the distribution of Managed Clients and CTI products.
Exploratory discussions for a similar agreement are underway with a Mexican company
for distribution to Latin American countries.
Serenity Systems also carried on discussions with some prominent OS/2 ISVs regarding
further development of applications to integrate the Computer Telephony Integration
products with the business desktop provided by the Managed Client.
The reality is ... it is the 4Q99. It will be difficult to execute in the next
60 to 90 days as all available resources are committed. Nonetheless, I believe the
first 6 months of 2000 may well be the most significant for OS/2 since the Warp
and Merlin rollouts. The next Warpstock is likely to be a much more exciting event
as participants focus on what is and what is to come, and less focus falls on what
was and what could have been.
I have released the source code to the latest version of MAME for OS/2 on the
official MAME for OS/2 homepage. If anyone is interested, they can feel free to
download it from http://emuos2.vintagegaming.com.
It requires GCC/PGCC, AR, LD, EMXBIND, and MAKE utilities. If all of these tools
are properly installed, you should be able to unzip the source tree and type make
in the top level directory to produce an executable.
If anyone has any questions or comments on the code, feel free to contact me.
MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator.
It allows you to play your favorite classic, and some not-so-classic arcade games
(from the 70's through the 90's) from the comfort of your OS/2 desktop.
The OS/2 version has been updated to the latest version of the MAME core (.36
beta 7). If you are upgrading from beta 6, it will automatically update your Quick
List and scan for newly supported games the first time you start it up so you don't
have to manually rescan everything from scratch and erase your Favorites list.
Please note that the official web site's URL has changed to http://emuos2.vintagegaming.com.
It is still part of what used to be Dave's Video Game Classics. Dave has changed
his site's name to the Vintage Gaming Network which will have more of a focus on
arcade emulation.
Vol. 2, No. 13
21 October 1999
Welcome to the 35th issue of the WARPED WORLD OF OS/2!
Focus on OS/2 now contains a list of selected previous articles listed by topic
for easy reference. This page will be updated on a regular basis. See http://os2.about.com/compute/os/os2/library/weekly/topicmenu.htm.
New Feature
The Focus on Guide's report and impressions of his first Warpstock.
Mark Dodel, Editor of the Voice Newsletter, discusses IBM's confusing OS/2 marketing
Internal MS email show Gates intended to violate Java rulings even before they were
issued! By Deborah Gage, Smart Reseller.
Brand new product from Sundial that acts as a front-end "secret agent"
to your email program screening out junk mail/spam so you never have to bother with
By her own admission, well-known journalist for ZD Publishing, Mary Jo Foley, says
she is "not allowed to interject [her] opinion "into her news stories.
She is "only allowed to report what others have said." Edward Mortimer
from IACT website.
Netscape plugin plays 32 channel digital music and supports compressed files.
Remember this is only a tiny fraction of the total material available on the
entire site.
The Links and News is located at:
The total material can be found at http://os2.about.com
A report on the events at the recent Warpstock '99 OS/2 Convention has been posted
in the "Special Reports" section at OS/2 Headquarters http://www.os2hq.com/.
Included is a short summary of the status of the Warpicity Project headed by former
IBMer Lynn Maxson.
For those of you who use Netscape Communicator 4.61 for OS/2 Warp's e-mail, there
are additional spelling dictionaries available.
Actually, they have been available since September 20. They can be found at:
According to The Register (http://www.theregister.co.uk/991020-000015.html)
ATI has just gone open source and released the specs of its Rage 3D acceleration
and multimedia cards. They are planning to get Linux drivers written by early next
Perhaps some cunning OS/2 device driver programmer can make use of this and write
some drivers for OS/2?
On June 16, the first beta version of Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 for Java was announced
here on Warpcast. However, that version is no longer available for download from
Those who tried the first version might like to take a look at the latest build
(8/9/99) can be downloaded from the following url:
I wanted to contribute to the OS/2 community, and since I don't program to the
class that I could release a public product, and I don't do much except keep LAN
systems operational, and maintain communications, I thought I would host an idea:
"OS/2 Around the World".
I frequently run across OS/2 users that don't know some of the good sites for
info, games, config help, etc. I thought I could post on BAOS/2 a few sites a week
to help spread the word.
Give me some feed back. Send email to: cjeffii@home.com
If you are an OS/2 enthusiast, or know of a few good OS/2 sites, send me an email
titled "OS/2 Around the World" with the links to the sites.
If there is a good response, I will post the first series in a week. Let's support
our OS/2 community!
Just noticed this at IBM's Network Computing Software (NCS) Support News Items
page dated 10/14/99
"US Warp Server SMP systems may not have Multimedia serviced
We have discovered a problem on the second time you use FixTool 1.38 or later
on a Warp Server SMP system. For instance, if you are installing a FixPak on a Warp
Server SMP system and Multimedia is not selectable as a Serviceable Product, you
have the problem. The solution is to download a corrected SYSLEVEL.MPM. This fix
is for US ONLY. NLV versions are corrected by using the SYSZMPM.CMD file. To get
the corrected SYSLEVEL.MPM file, click on "Up to higher level directory"
in FixPak 42 directory in service.boulder.ibm.com. Go to directory "syslevel/wrpsvsmp"
or use this link to get the corrected SYSLEVEL.MPM (you may have to hold the SHIFT
key when clicking on the link to get the file). Copy this file to the "MMOS2\INSTALL"
directory where Multimedia is installed. Install the FixPak or Select Multimedia
only if installing a FixPak that has already been installed."
SYSLEVEL.MPM can be found at the following link:
Overflow Warpstock Crowd Bedazzled With Warped Jeopardy
Warped Jeopardy! played to a packed Warpstock theater on Sunday with guest host
Randell Flint of Sundial Systems at the helm of this traveling OS/2 game show spectacular.
Celebrity contestants David Moskowitz, Judy McDermott and Larry Finkelstein did
their best to offer questions that matched the OS/2 answers given by Flint. In Warped
Jeopardy!, as in the original Jeopardy television show, the host states the answers
and the guests must come up with the correct questions.
One perplexing answer of the day, stumping all three panelists, was "The
Easiest Way To A Connected World" in the Version Taglines category. The correct
response would have been the question "What is Warp 4?"
In the special Audience Jeopardy round, all six of the audience contestants won
Sundial product prizes with a little help from their teammates and the celebrities.
Sundial's Warped Jeopardy! is a multimedia extravaganza with an OS/2 theme, complete
with sound, video clips and a multimedia screen with categories and levels and,
of course, answers. "It matches our Sundial Has The Answers slogan, and it's
fun for the audience, the contestants and our Sundial production crew," said
Flint. "The audience absolutely loves the show, and we'll continue to make
it bigger, better and even more extravagant."
Developing a hit product is something Sundial does well. Junk Spy, Mesa 2, Rover
Pack, Relish, Clearlook and DBExpert are all part of Sundial's OS/2 product line.
"We kept the spirit of the original Jeopardy in our new multimedia Warped
Jeopardy! show," added Flint, "and we look forward to letting everyone
think of their questions while Sundial Has The Answers."
According to the Warpstock, Inc. bylaws, which have recently been approved by
a 6-0-1 vote of the Warpstock, Inc. board of directors, 4 new board members are
selected in odd years, and 3 new board members are selected in even numbered years.
Board members are selected to serve a 2 year term. When the new board convenes for
the first time, they will select officers for the coming year.
Before continuing, let me take this opportunity to extend my sincere thanks to
all of the departing Warpstock board members. These board members have stuck with
me through thick and thin and have devoted hundreds of hours to make Warpstock the
tremendous success that it has become. We owe all of them a great deal of thanks
for everything that they have contributed to Warpstock and to the OS/2 community.
The departing board members are:
The following board members will continue to serve for the next year until their
terms expire:
The following individuals have been selected as new members of the Warpstock,
Inc. board of directors:
I wish them the best of luck in all future Warpstock endeavors, and look forward
to a tremendous show next year that will continue to build upon the success of this
year. Also, I want to point out that while I am departing from the Warpstock board,
I plan to remain as an active member of the Warpstock team, in whatever capacity
they will have me.
Finally, thanks to all of you, the members of the OS/2 community. Without you,
there wouldn't be any reason for Warpstock to exist!
A new version of T&V HappyPlayer, an OS/2 PCI TV tuner application, is ready.
You can download version 1.03 from its homepage:
or from Hobbes archive (http://hobbes.nmsu.edu).
Bill Nicholls has an interesting if somewhat bittersweet article about OS/2 and
Warp Expo West on the BYTE magazine website.
There is an update of DSTswitch available since October 15, 1999. For those who
don't know, DSTswitch is a utility that automatically adjusts the system time from
standard time to daylight saving time and vice versa.
New features since version 1.50
NOTE: Although the release date of version 1.52 is October 15 the time stamp
of DSTSWTCH.EXE must be October 16 12:38pm. If the time stamp of the dstswitch.exe
you've downloaded is different please check the incoming directory of your preferred
FTP server for a new dsts152.zip package.
For more information on DSTswitch and where to download visit http://www.mark-eckstein.de
If there's anyone who wants to translate the DSTswitch language file, please
e-mail me at dstswitch@mark-e.de for additional
Currently DSTswitch supports English, German and Croatian languages (thanks to
Goran Ivankovic for the Croatian translation).
F/X Communications has released the first RADIUS compliant Remote Access Solution
for OS/2.
It's been more than two years since we started development of this powerful product
and now it's finally ready. Business-wise the timing of this comprehensive product
is awful, but for the die-hard OS2 user/business, this product indeed has a LOT
to offer and you will find the pricing and the trial conditions to be extremely
InJoy Connect (IC) adds Point-to-Point (PPP) Dial-In features to the InJoy product
family. It's extremely easy to use and offers reliable Dial-In using normal analogue
telephone lines, leased lines or ISDN (CAPI is supported through CFOS/2). An impressive
set of high-end features makes IC one of the most powerful and secure software based
Access Solutions available today.
IC ships with several ready-to-go sample setups and the GUI is easy to comprehend,
but as your requirements grow, you will appreciate strong and advanced features
such as centralized management, modular/distributed design, RADIUS support, IPSec
support, remote monitoring, advanced packet filtering, extensive documentation and
an overall design that just won't quit.
IC supports RADIUS for Authentication, Authorisation, and Accounting (a.k.a.
AAA), but IC can also function as its own centralized AAA server (w/o the need for
a RADIUS Server).
IPSec (Internet Protocol Security) is an Internet standard for interconnected,
secure networking devices and the predominant technology in Virtual Private Networks
More information about IPSec is available at:
InJoy Connect has been tested with a selection of TCP/IP stacks and OS/2 versions
and even though this product is the first public release, then we are fully confident
in IC's stability and concider it ready for business.
The release of InJoy Connect is primarely targeted for OS/2 users, home or business,
seeking to offer Internet/Intranet access via a standard modem based solution.
Here is a few features that InJoy Connect currently does NOT offer:
Have fun with the product.
There's been a small bugfix in my distribution of Tisean for OS/2, in the ar-run.exe
program. It has to do with the random number generator, so if you don't need that
function, or you don't care about poor random numbers, you don't need to download.
I've also included another program, mem_spec_tab.exe, which uses tabs to separate
data points, as opposed to spaces. This makes it easier to cut and paste into your
favorite spreadsheet program.
Tisean is a very new large collection of programs that analyze the data from
non-linear (chaotic) systems.
You can download Tisean for OS/2 at:
And, later at:
I happened across a new version of Danis506.add in /pub/incoming on Hobbes. It
doesn't say what's different about it though.
From Danis506.doc:
Since the original IBM1S506.ADD doesn't support the IDE controller found in the
VIA 82C586(/A/B) south bridge beyond the basic features, I wasn't very happy with
the performance of my 10Gig DTTA-351010 drive. The driver from VIA itself was no
solution because it doesn't support all the advanced features found in todays hardware
and locked up my system completely. So I sat down....
This release of my S506 driver is no longer based on the sources provided by
IBM on their DDK site. It has the latest feature set as found in the current fixpacks
and fixes later than these."
You can find Daniss506 at:
and, later at: