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Another update to the OS/2 Device Driver Pak (http://service.software.ibm.com/os2ddpak/html/index.htm),
this time it is dated October 26, 1999. The only real update that I could see though
was a 2nd beta of the new IBMATAPI.FLT driver for the ZIP 250.
Also, you might want to checkout Daniela's Engert's IBMATAPI.FLT replacement
file (DANIADSK.ZIP) at Hobbes (http://hobbes.nmsu.edu)
The October 27, 1999 edition of Focus on OS/2 is now online. Some of the highlights
New Feature
Powerful, fast, and versatile, Kon is tough to beat as a general purpose editor,
and can even serve as a programming editor.
At this year's Warp Expo West show, IBM's still supporting OS/2...at least until
2004. By Bill Nicholls, Byte.
When IBM chose Windows as its Desktop, it was seen as a death knell for OS/2. But
it's almost 2000 and OS/2 is still around. By Josh Kern, Computing Canada http://os2.about.com/compute/os/os2/library/blnews.htm#news
ICQ/2 is a ICQ client for OS/2 that provides a full 32 bit multithreaded OS/2 PM
application without the complexity of IRC and the limitations of other chat tools.
Now you can have the full 128-bit encryption even if you can't download the strong
encryption version.
Remember this is only a tiny fraction of the total material available on the
entire site.
The Links and News is located at:
The total material can be found at http://os2.about.com.
Creative Labs will shortly be open-sourcing their Linux/UNIX drivers for the
SB Live! card. Device driver developers, here's your chance to restore OS/2 support
for one of the best-selling lines of sound cards!
News scoop is at:
Information about the CVS/Bugzilla server to be set up will appear at http://developer.soundblaster.com/linux/
by Monday afternoon.
Web3D consortium (http://www.web3d.org/)
released source code of the VRML viewer offered by Blaxxun (http://www.blaxxun.com/).
Though I'm not for sure if the source can build the executable for OS/2 platform,
it should be a great contribution to open source community. See the following page
for detail.
I am glad to inform you that the SecureEntry web site has changed its location.
The new one is :
You will find many changes there, including :
I have released an ODBC driver for mSQL. It can be downloaded from
MiniSQL is a small and light weight relational database management system. It
uses SQL as query language.
The ODBC driver has been tested with VisualAge C++ 4.0 samples and it is working.
Actually it doesn't work with StarOffice 5.1a
It is now possible to purchase a Styler/2 Standard License or an Ordinary License
through BMT Micro:
for Styler/2 Standard License, and:
for Styler/2 Upgrade License ordering.
Styler/2, previously known as Smart Windows, is a user interface enhancer for
OS/2 warp 3 and 4. Both the aesthetics and the behaviour of various OS/2 Presentation
manager windows and controls can be easily modified to meet your needs.
You will be able to use bitmaps or shades as titlebar background, choose any
bitmap (of appropriate size) for the window buttons and force all dialog windows
to use your favourite font.
Other features include window rolling, titlebar hiding, overriding the default
size and position of maximized windows, moving windows by dragging their frame,
pushing windows behind the other windows, selection of the entry fields contents,
mouse copy/paste in VIO windows, autofocus, mouse pointer hiding, mouse button double
click emulation and automatically moving the mouse pointer to the focus window.
Please check my web pages:
for more details.
Hello from @Macarlo, Inc. Shareware & Web
I'm starting a giant web site on a new extra-fast server where I will increase
OS/2 activities with tests and reviews for publication every day and I will expand
my OS/2 download area.
I just replaced my Aldus Page Maker on Warp 4 FP6 with the native WPS application
Maul Publisher with great success (consumes only 9% CPU vs. 40% consumed by Page
Maker). I'm just publishing an illustrated report about this test. Check it at:
I'd like to announce the release of ServerConfig/2 version 1.5.
ServerConfig/2 is a PM configuration util for Apache webserver, the InetPowerServer/2
and the IBM TCP/IP Firewall!
It has an easy to use PM interface and allows you to do things by simple mouse
It also allows you to remote configure any OS/2 and unix/linux Apache. It includes
a daemon that can be compiled under any gcc and thus allows ServerConfig/2 to receive
and save configurations remotely, all from OS/2.
Full support for the InetPowerServer, for all the services, with full GUI support
for user management.
Full support for the TCP/IP Firewall, GUI interface for all the rules, log file,
error log and Tunneling (VPN) support!
Home page:
By the way, in case you are wondering where I found the firewall, it's included
in tcpip 4.1/4.2/4.21.
The development of SecureDesktop is stopped.
The reasons:
I'm frustrated about this situation, but what should I do?
Thanks to all who tried SecureDesktop. Sorry to all who had great expectations
in my product.
Then from October 28
SecureDesktop development will go on! I found the bugs! I got the documentation
that I need to continue!
Sorry for the trouble last day, but I had a great ANGRY about the situation.
Three new drivers can be found at Hobbes, currently in the incoming directory:
First there are two drivers from Robert Lalla, Loerrach, Germany (rlalla@stepnet.de).
usb_com_fix01.zip: USB modem driver, fixed to work with non-3Com hardware.
(from readme)
"This is a modified version of IBM's OS/2 driver (Jan-06-99) for USB modems.
It should fix some severy problems when using modems other than 3Com.
Summary of modifications
Known problems
usb_uhci_fix01.zip: USB host controller driver (VIA and Intel chipsets).
(from readme)
"This is a modified version of IBM's OS/2 driver (Jan-06-99) for UHCI style USB host controllers. It should support mainboards equipped with an INTEL, VIA or ETEQ(?) chipset, as well as VIA USB addon cards."
Summary of modifications
Then we have Daniela Engert from Germany, the same person who maybe made one
of best known OS/2 drivers, the DANIS506 driver. Now she has given OS/2 users another
suprise, support for IOMEGA IDE ZIP 250MB:
(from readme)
"This filter driver supports all of the ATAPI disks that IBMATAPI does (LS-120, ZIP-100, JAZZ), and in addition the ZIP-250 (including full media swapping)."
Current implementation status:
Future plans from Daniela: "TO DO
The Register posted an article today (Oct. 27th) titled "Tower Red Hat Linux
JVM wins speed trials":
It reads, in part:
"JVM top honours went to Tower Technology's Tower J3.1.4 on Red Hat's Linux 6.0 Intel, which was just 1.3 per cent faster than IBM's JDK 1.1.8 on Windows NT. This in turn pipped the same JDK on OS/2 by 6.7 per cent."
Warpstock '99 was a resounding success. By all accounts, this was the smoothest
run conference so far. Everyone will want to make plans to attend next year's event,
Warpstock 2000, to see how it builds on the success of Warpstock '99.
This year, from the time you signed in, to the last raffle on Sunday, there was
plenty of information and fun to be had. Peter Coffee's Keynote address was a highlight
of the conference with the title "On the information super- highway, who wants
to drive a Pinto?" referring to another less robust operating system. Even
here, however, we were reminded of the far reach of OS/2 and Warpstock, as Peter
had to explain the "Pinto" to the European attendees as a car that had
a tendency to explode on rear impact.
There were a full slate of sessions covering topics for everyone. Programmers
had a field day with sessions on Device Drivers, Assembly Language, and Object Rexx,
for example, while nonprogrammer could see the latest demos of OS/2 software solutions.
A common refrain heard during the weekend was how difficult it was to choose between
all the sessions occurring in the same time slots.
Lest anyone think this was all work, however, there was plenty of fun to be had
as well. The Saturday evening social, "Magic Moments", was a spectacular
event. The food was fantastic, the company was enjoyable, and the entertainment
was magical. Hosts VOICE and Mensys, truly made it an evening not soon forgotten.
Sunday, however, Sundial's "Warped Jeopardy" tested everyone's memory
as the contestants and audience attempted to find the question to the answer in
this live-action game show. With answers from the earliest days of OS/2 and a look
at previous marketing campaigns, attendees were treated to a hilarious version of
the past, present, and future of OS/2, with prizes and discounts galore.
Between sessions and during breaks, attendees were able to meet the exhibitors
and see demonstrations of the latest OS/2 products. From Serenity Systems OS/2 install
in less than a half minute, to Sundial's complete product line, there was something
for every OS/2 user. The Vendor 100 program also gave attendees a chance to see
demos of many OS/2 products including a host of shareware software.
This year's Warpstock definitely had something for everyone. Attendees at Warpstock
'99 found the facts, the friendship, the fun, and the future of OS/2. Come join
us for Warpstock 2000, as we continue to make each year the BEST WARPSTOCK EVER!
OS/2 users from around the world met on October 16-17 in Atlanta. Visit http://www.warpstock.org
for the complete information about this very special OS/2 event.
The Pentium optimized version of the recently released MAME for OS/2 .36 beta
7 has been updated. It was originally built using a buggy GCC optimization which
caused instability. The 486 version did not suffer from this instability and did
not need to be updated. I have rebuilt the Pentium optimized version without the
offending optimization and it has cured many problems.
If you currently have the Pentium optimized version, I strongly recommend that
you download this update. It is available at:
as usual.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
If you are looking for PCI Hardware encryption with OS/2 support, see:
For $1,700 (US), you can get:
The IBM 4758 Model 13 PCI Cryptographic Coprocessor provides a high-security
coprocessor with specialized electronics to support cryptographic functions for
PCI-bus server systems.
Device drivers are available for OS/2.
I have just uploaded beta 1 of MAMERun to the /pub/incoming directory of Hobbes:
Final expected placement is:
MAMERun is a FREEWARE PM front end for the DOS version of MAME (Multi. Arcade
Machine Emulator). A front end is a program that makes it easier for the user to
interface with his application, which usually has a command line interface. MAME
is a very popular emulator that allows you to run thousands of classic arcade games
on your PC (if you own the ROMs). You can find the MAME homepage at:
The Official (and very good) OS/2 PM port of MAME was done by Marty Amodeo and
is at:
I wrote MAMERun because I wanted an alternative to running the PM version without
having to reboot back to Windows or type in really long command strings. Some people
have problems with their video and sound in PM. For me it was the fact that my poor
system just couldn't chug along fast enough too keep up. I also like to tweak stuff.
I've included most of the options that MAME has (some 30 of them) so you can fiddle
all you like. You may find that using the DOS version of MAME under OS/2 works better
for you, or maybe not. Just keep having fun!!
MAME for DOS (I used version .36 beta 7)
DOS Support installed
joystick device driver (download from hobbes or DDPAK)
Computing Canada has a somewhat positive article on OS/2. Seems a lot of OS/2
is still being shipped, just nobody calls it OS/2.
Read the article here:
I found an interesting article about the upcoming Apache 2.0 webserver and OS/2
at Apacheweek. They write that the new version of Apache for OS/2 will have support
for threads, I think this will increase the performance on OS/2.
If you are interested in this subject, read more at:
ShowStormSoftware has removed all links to my modules for EscapeGL from their
I don't know why but if you using EscapeGL screensaver you can see my modules
If you are interested in new modules drop me note at: eu@uland.com
The SFX Installer has been updated with a couple of usability features including:
Double-clicking a directory in the tree now opens the directory folder and it
now offers to open the destination folder after a build for testing the newly built
The SFX Installer offers the first one file archive/installation tool widely
available on the OS/2 platform. It marries the installation tool for your software
and its own setup tools into one friendly package for point and click installation
setups that are personalized for your software. SFX allows you to build an archive
in standard or self-extracting format, with or without the installer.
There are no cryptic scripts to learn to write other than any setupstrings (samples
provided) you need to place folders and icons on the desktop. The installation setup
tool allows you to point and click a complete setup. When you are satisfied with
how the archive should be setup you can save all the information and recall it when
needed. SFX will save and retrieve as many setups as you have disk space for and
will help the author of multiple programs to keep them organized. It can also be
used as a general zip file distribution builder as well.
The SFX Installer includes several novel details for the software distributer
Although the installer is distributed as shareware through BMT Micro (http://www.bmtmicro.com/),
we invite freeware authors to use the installer free of charge as a small token
of appreciation for their selfless work. Please read the license for more details.
More information and downloads are available at:
NOTE: This is an update to the version offered at Warpstock.
During a trip to IBM in Austin, I had a chance to speak to Steven King (well
known to all OS/2-guys) and fresh from the source, here's his announcement:
There IS a service offering from IBM for installation and support of an official
Aurora Client to be officially announced within the next couple of days.
This includes fee-based onsite installation based on a modified version of the
Server to install Warp 4.5 Client including MPTS, TCPIP, LAN Requester, Syst. Mgmt.
comp., Netscape, Java and so on; as well as a supportline contract for reporting
problems to IBM. Once again, this is a fee-based service-offering, it's NOT a shrinkwrap
CD for endusers. If you are a IBM-Business-customer, contact either Steven King
(for North and South Amerika) or me (for Europe) for more information.
Following was posted to POSSI Discussion list by Esther Schindler. It's a PCWeek
column by Peter Coffee on Warpstock 99.
After the terrific time we had at WarpStock 99 we are finally caught up on rest
and getting back to work.
We are finally making available the new release of WarpZip that appeared during
WarpStock weekend. WarpZip is now at version 2.3. Information, screenshots and fully
functional copies are available at http://www.pillarsoft.net/warpzip.html
WarpZip is the latest in Zip and OS/2 "Packed" file management. Beneath
WarpZip's stunning interface you will find some revolutionary and powerful functions
that will save both time and effort and boost your productivity.
The integration of a directory tree as part of the interface makes unarchiving
complete archives or just selected file(s) from an archive to any directory as simple
as a 3 inch drag and drop, to ANYWHERE on your drives. If you don't have the directory
you want, create it! You can also open any folder from the directory tree for drag
and drop operations. Drag files into or out of archives. Delete any directory or
even complete directory trees from WarpZip!
No more manually selecting a directory when downloading from NS. WarpZip's Download
PreProcessor allows your browsing sessions to sport one click downloads that obey
your every whim. It will selectively move your downloaded zip files to any directory
you choose, test them for integrity, virus test them and queue them up for later
review by WarpZip. All this is handled seamlessly in the background while you spend
your online time making your browser session count. When you're offline, WarpZip
will be waiting with the list of files you've downloaded. It will automatically
load them in it's queue on startup and present you with any test results you may
have requested.
OS/2 Packed file extensions can have "_" or "@" or no extension
at all. So how do you locate them? Better yet, how do you locate and see what files
are archived inside of them? We are unaware of any software that will help you find
those almost unrecognizable OS/2 packed files except WarpZip. Of course, dragging
a file out of them or viewing them is as easy as working with a zip archive.
WarpZip will search a directory, directory tree, hard disk or CD for zip files
as well as OS/2 packed files. It will add or delete files from archives, view files
in archives or you can test run them (to do an installation, for example) and let
WarpZip clean up after you. You can test zip files or run virus scans, view bitmaps,
grep, build self extractors, copy, move, rename, delete... well... you get the picture...
INSTALLATION DETAILS During installation WarpZip will allow you to use existing
paths for dll's etc. and keep track of them for you. It will write an uninstall
script specific to your installation should you decide to remove the program at
a later date. No forgotten file clutter...
WarpZip licenses are available at BMT Micro ($29) http://www.bmtmicro.com
This version of WarpZip was available at WarpStock for those of you that may
have received it there.
After visiting with many of you at WarpStock, (Arkay brought this to my attention)
it has become apparent that we haven't been able to make it all clear about what
WarpZip really does. Because I can't demo it very easily here, I would hope that
you all would take the opportunity to download a fully functional copy from our
website and try everything out. The "Sample.zip" that opens automatically
on the first run will help get your feet wet but we hope you will check into all
the different search mechanisms in the program too.
A personal note concerning WarpStock: I must say that the organizers were all
terrific to work with and "very" helpful. I would also like to give a
well deserved and humble "Thank you" to everyone that stopped by and said
"Hi". I had such a great time meeting every one of you and really appreciate
the support you have all shown. The OS/2 users at WarpStock are Great... Great people.
Wayne Swanson ------------------------------------------------------------
email: swanee@pillarsoft.net
PillarSoft: http://www.pillarsoft.net
Developers of: WarpZip, DeskTop Backup (DTB), SFX Installer, ShowTime/2 and the
Enhanced E Editors
Vice President: VOICE (Virtual OS/2 International Consumer Education)
VOICE: http://www.os2voice.org
As you may have read in the newsgroups or noticed yourself, there are problems
with StarOffice 5.1a if you try to work with dbf databases. The problem there is
that a changing (e.g. a sort) will not work correctly. There are a new file which
correct the problem. To initialize it, please copy the file after the download into
the main path of StarOffice 5.1a and replace the old file. After that you should
reboot your system again.
For the people who did have the time to follow the ODIN project (old WIN32 OS/2
project), here is an short update. We have not seen a lot of it on the net in the
last few months, the homepage was very silent. This is because the people of the
ODIN project almost did a complete re-write. The loading of programs is also different
from the win32 os/2 mailing list:
Just an update regarding the project: Last week the team got WinZip running on OS/2, including standart installation! Opera/2 is doing very well, still some bugs in it but we hope to fix them within the next two month. So thinks are getting bether and bether and a binary release will be ready in the next few weeks!
(Yes, page redesign is also under construction!)
Styler/2 version 1.0.2 is available for download
The archive smw100.zip (953 Kb) is available from:
Short note for people resident in Italy:
I residenti in Italia possono scaricare la versione italiana del programma di
registrazione (35 Kb) da:
A sort of preview of some features planned for Styler/2 version 2 is available
from the archive smw2demo.zip (309 KB) from:
Please check my web pages:
for the list of bug fixes and new features.
This page contains a HUGE list of OS/2 programming resources on the web. If you
are looking for OS/2 programming information, this web page should be your first
stop. No other operating system has such an extensive and comprehensive list of
programming information in one place.
I've added a couple dozen entries since the last update in April. I still have
a bunch more to add, but I figured it was time for an update anyway.
PMView is a rather popular graphics viewer for OS/2 that has been around for
a few years. A little more than a year ago, the people who make it announced that
they were working on a major upgrade. Since then, very little has been heard. Until
There is a new page posted on http://www.pmview.com
; it gives an official release target date (end of November) and pricing info for
the next release of PMView. It also mentions that there was a "sneak preview"
of the new version released at WarpStock 99.
Check it out at http://www.pmview.com/us/future.html.
Raja Thiagarajan