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Juni 2002
Another operating system poll
Vote for OS/2 at http://www.phpnuke.org/
Warpzilla RC3 problem, Delete chrome.rdf
Unfortunately my second upload didn't make it, so the RC3 that people are
downloading has a bad chrome.rdf in it.
This is causing things not to appear (mail, news, etc.)
Please delete chrome.rdf in the bin/chrome directory if you are having
these problems.
I'm uploading a new build now without a chrome.rdf
Mozilla for OS/2 (Warpzilla) RC3 is out
This has three private fixes above the branch:
1. My new focus code (hope it works)
2. I did not optimize NSLOCALE.DLL in an attempt to workaround the DBCS
3. You can customize the splash screen - info is in the README.
Have fun.
Mike Kaply
IBM Mozilla Advocate
Mozilla OS/2 Guru
DFSee 4.23 released; CLONE fixes and FIXCHS
DFSee is the SWISS-ARMY-KNIFE for disk and filesystem problems. With
FDISK-like displays, analysis and recovery, FIX commands, UNDELETE for
HPFS/NTFS and imaging and cloning.
Details can be found at: http://www.dfsee.com/dfsee.htm
Most important changes:
-New FIXCHS command to match CHS values to LBA/geometry.
-New FILEFIND command to find HPFS/NTFS files for recovery.
-CLONE fix sector-limit at end and check destination size.
-CR improved confirmation dialog text with size and type.
-CR fix
parsing of numeric values for '-t:' option.
-Allow trailing '\' on SAVEAS/RECOVER path for convenience.
-Report correct 'number of files recovered' after RECOVER.
-LIST new '+gs' option to list using the 'Sys' geometry.
-Use 'Sys' = system geometry when using OS r/w API's, this
fixes several bugs when using a forced geometry with 'GEO'.
Check DFS*.TXT files for details
Registering DFSee will give you the right to use all 4.xx versions and get
support plus a reasonable amount of assistance by email.
But even more important, it enables further development of DFSee!
Regards, Jan van Wijk
DFSee Home: http://www.dfsee.com; Jan van Wijk; Author of DFSee - dfsee@fsys.nl
Auto WGet Daemon Version 1.7.2
Auto WGet Daemon is a free utility set for driving GNU WGet or any similar
utility for downloading files. Auto WGet Daemon allows you to start
downloading by simply Drag'n'Drop to special folder. Aside from, Auto WGet
Daemon supports queue for downloads and allows restart failed downloads
in the power fail or any other unpleasantness.
Program URL: http://glass.os2.spb.ru/software/english/awget.html
XComp/2 und IsoComp/2 updated
XCOMP/2 V3.10 for OS/2
Copyright (C) by Roman Stangl May, 2002
XComp/2 is a multithreaded recursive file compare utility. This may be
usefuly to compare copied directories, especially after burning them onto
CD-ROM medias. Additionally XComp/2 allows you to calculate and compare
the CRC32 and MD5 checksums for the files to ensure their integrity even
when no longer having the original data.
Also included is IsoComp/2, a multithreaded ISO image compare utility,
that allows to to compare the contents of a CD-ROM media with an ISO or
RAW image or RSJ track image file or to write an ISO image or RSJ track
image out of the media's contents. CRC32 and MD5 checksums are also
Source code (and WIN32 port) is included in (an encrypted, run "protect
xcomp2v310 Source.zie" to decrypt it) archive.
For more detailed information, please take a look at my site at:
or the shorter alias:
or E-mail me at:
Warning! This program and its source are provided as-is, I shall not be
held responsible for any damages!
Filename: XComp2v310.zip
CD Boot/2 updated
CD Boot/2 is a utility to enhance bootable OS/2 CD-ROMs so that when the
CD-ROM is inserted into the drive, a menu is displayed immediately after
BIOS has started booting from it. From that menu, the user has to press
the spacebar to continue booting from the removeable media, or if the
customizeable period expires, the boot process continues booting from the
first harddisk instead.
This is helpful if you want to create a single bootable OS/2 installation
CD-ROM (in contrast to the 2 CD-ROM based solution IBM ships with Aurora,
Aurora and Merlin Convenience Pack) and still don't want to manually take
care of removing the CD-ROM during the subsequent reboots during OS/2
You can also use it to enhance FAT-based non-OS/2 bootable diskettes (like
e.g. DOS, WIN9x, WIN NT, W2K) with some limitations.
You are allowed to freely use, enhance or redistribute this package, if
you don't strip anything, please see the online help for further details!
This package is provided as-is, I shall not be held liable for any
Source code is included in (an encrypted, run "protect cdboot2v200
Source.zie" to decrypt it) archive.
For more detailed information, please take a look at my site at:
or the shorter alias:
or E-mail me at:
Roman_Stangl@at.nospam.ibm.com (remove ".nospam")
Filename: CDBoot2v200.zip
IBM MPTS class
Technical Training for OS/2 MPTS 6.0 enhancements
We want to inform you about a technical class on all MPTS enhancements and
changes since Warp Server 4. These are for example TCP/IP 4.x (aliasing),
TCPBEUI changes, multiple adapters, big enhancements and changes in Name
Resolition (DDNS, Shadow,...), Tuning Parameters and such.
The Agenda in Detail:
1> NetBIOS, NetBEUI protocol overview.
2> TCPBEUI overview based on RFC 1001 & RFC 1002.
3> Comparisons between the two protocols.
4> NetBIOS names and name types.
5> Name resolution options in TCPBEUI: B-node, H-node, P-node, DNS
with domainscope and their relative advantages and disadvantages.
6> Logical adapters/multiple instances of protocol binding. How it is
7> Windows way of interaction. Implication on TCPBEUI.
8> Tuning parameters at protocol level: RFCNAMES.LST, RFCBCST.LST,
64k boundary restriction calculations.
9> Troubleshooting:
General PD/PSI tools and usage.
10> IBMLAN.INI parameters, intended use of the same and tuning.
The class will be held in week 24 (June 10th - 14th) at IBM facilities in
To enroll,
- go to http://www.ibm.com/services/learning/
- select your country
- click on "Course Booking" (or whatever it says in your language)
- Enter the course code: TAMPE0DE (attention: name has changed!)
Course price is 1.880,00 Euro.
WarpVision project update
New build of WVGUI is available for download and some project info placed
on a site.
Current Features
* Playback of media in different formats (DivX-3, DivX-4, DivX-5,
MPEG-1, MPEG-2, AVI, ASF [not yet complete])
* Support for different audio CODECs (MP3, AC3, PCM)
* Hardware-accelerated playback through HW EnDIVE (YUV422 colour
* Autodetection of colour scheme
* Fullscreen and windowed playback
* Toggle for maintaining aspect ratio in windowed mode
* User interface skin support
* Playlist support (currently under construction)
* Brightness control
* Resampling of audio to 44100 Hz or 48000 Hz, for support of
different audio hardware
* Optimized for enhanced instruction sets (MMX, MMX2, SSE and 3D-Now!)
* Rewinding and fast-forwarding through GUI slider or keyboard
* Easy changing of program priority
Links 2.0 pre 1 - Small and fast web browser (text mode and graphics)
Links 2.0 pre 1 - Small and fast web browser (text mode and graphics),
with JavaScript, font smoothing, etc.
Program URL: http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~clock/twibright/index.html
The Netwide Assembler v0.98.32 (binares only)
"NASM is the Netwide Assembler, a free portable assembler for the Intel
80x86 microprocessor series, which uses the traditional Intel instruction
mnemonics and syntax. "
Program URL: http://nasm.2y.net
OS/2 port of GNU HTTPTunnel 0.3.3
OS/2 port of GNU HTTPTunnel 0.3.3 - Tunnel any protocol (telnet, ftp, icq,
etc.) through HTTP
Program URL: http://www.nocrew.org/software/httptunnel.html
Create indices of images using thumbnails
When offering a list of files for downloading over the WWW, it's often
convenient to graphically illustrate the contents of the file by
displaying a thumbnail (a small GIF image) adjacent to the file name. For
example, thumbnails are often minatures of larger graphics files.
ThumbIndex is designed to create, and deliver, these thumbnails. It's
main advantage is ease of use; you can easily create web-accessible
indices containing thumbnails that point to their underlying image.
Program URL: http://www.srehttp.org/apps/thumbindex/
Minta 2.50 out now!
The new release of Minta is available now! Minta is a very powerful MP3
tagging, listing and information PM-utility for OS/2 (says the author ;-)
As due to my limited time the next "big" release may still take a while, I
decided to do yet another small one that fixes some bugs and adds Italian
language support - many thanks to Alberto Gabrielli!
For more info and download, visit either the homepage
or get it on Hobbes.
Minta 2.50 is of course also available on the "Team Trier Collection
Vol.10" CDROM for OS/2 (see http://www.teamos2.ipcon.de/en-cdrom.htm for
more info).
Gotcha! 1.73 out now!
Gotcha! is a small (well not so small anymore ;-) utility for OS/2 which
allows to easily capture windows, window interiors, parts of the screen or
the whole desktop and save them to disk or clipboard as a picture (in
several file formats if OS/2 Multimedia is installed; otherwise only BMP
format). It has options for serial capture (automatically taking a capture
every n seconds) and batch mode (take a capture, save and exit).
New in version 1.73:
* Gotcha! can now save images to many more formats if OS/2 Multimedia is
* Gotcha! is now free software under the GPL.
* I finally included the Czech language support (program only) by Tomas
Hajny. Thanks very much again!
* I also included the (currently incomplete) Italian language support by
Alberto Gabrielli. Thanks very much again!
* Fixed a number of small bugs.
You can get the new version either from the homepage
or from Hobbes
http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/incoming/gotch173.zip or later http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/os2/apps/graphics/scrncapt/gotch173.zip
-> URL: http://www.teamos2.ipcon.de/~thielen/programs/gotcha
-> Hobbes: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/cgi-bin/h-search?key=gotch173.zip
TVShow project added on Kiev Elephant site
Program TVShow is intended for viewing television programs with bt878
based tv cards. You can download alpha version now.
EnDIVE driver updated
HW EnDIVE project is updated to version 0.0.7.
S3 Savage/IX support added and some bugs fixed.
The main goal of this project is to provide modern motion video players
like WarpVision with accelerated YUV->RGB color conversion and scaling.
FED 0.2.23 released
New version of Fast Editor Lite (FED) programmers editor is available for
download at http://es.os2.ru
Links 2.0 prerelease for PM
Oleg Deribas has released pre-release of Links 2.0 browser for OS/2. This
version of Links works in PM and supports graphics and Javascript.
Note1: Command-line syntax is:
links -g or links -driver pmshell
Note2: You should get two files (pmlinks-20020519.rar and
pmlinks-20020519.r00) and extraxt it with RAR archiver.
Sokrates 1.0 GA
Sokrates is a 100% pure Java Servletrunner for the Xitami Web server.
After 9 beta versions and the 10 Pre releases now version 1.0 is freely
available. If Java Servlet API 2.1 is supported, Java 1.1.6 is needed or
-> URL: http://runner.conacom.de
* Designed for delivering content at high speed
* Free for commercial and non-commercial use
* Source code included
* Easy to setup, runs out of the box
* Integration into your preferred IDE possible
* Small memory footprint
* Easy to configure
* Automatic instantaneous restart if an instance crashes
* Shutdown or restart by file-semaphores
* User definable classpath per container
* External management console (Java AWT)
* Additional Statistics (shown up in the management console)
* Supports LRWP 2.0 for fastest data transfer
* Plug-ins for storing session data in memory or disk
* Written in pure Java (needs at least Java 1.1.6)
* Supports Java Servlet API 2.1
New DANIS Driver on Hobbes
New version of Dani's replacement IDE drivers etc. up on Hobbes. This is
a replacement for the IBM1S506.ADD driver with many enhancements. Please
see the DANIS506.DOC file included in the zip file for a comprhensive list
of all the fixes and enhancements.
http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/incoming/danis506r143.zip moving to
WordPerfect (DOS) 5.1 VESA Driver now available
Dear WordPerfect friend,
A while ago you have been sending me an email indicating your interest in
a VESA driver for WordPerfect 5.1 (DOS) that would allow you to do a
high-resolution (up to 1280x1024x256) print preview and graphics editing.
Unfortunately it has taken much more time than anticipated to resolve all
open issues. This was the bad news.
The GOOD NEWS is that the driver is now available for free and ready for
download. Please point your browser to Edward Mendelson's excellent
"WordPerfect for DOS" pages for detailed information:
Please note that all credit for the driver should go to Michal Necasek
from SciTech who did a wonderful job in his spare time!! Thank you very
much, Michal!
Hope that you all will enjoy this wonderful tool!
With all best wishes
Martin R. Hadam
Kinderklinik - Medizinische Hochschule
D-30623 Hannover
Email: Hadam.Martin@MH-Hannover.de
JFig is a graphics or diagram editor written in pure Java.
JFig offers all typical drawing primitives including bezier splines, each
with attributes like colors, line and fill styles, etc. The user interface
of jfig aims to be compatible with "xfig", the de-facto standard graphics
editor on Unix and Linux workstations.
Program URL: http://tech-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/applets/jfig/
Maul Publisher 2.10
Maul Publisher is quite simply one of the most powerful DTP applications.
Maul Publisher is aimed at anyone needing to quickly create pleasing and
sophisticated publications, without the high cost of one of the industry
leading packages. It is aimed at anyone wanting to quickly create printed
presentations, club magazines, business cards, cd inlays, or posters.
Many cheaper desktop publishers offer little more than can be achieved
with a modern word processor, whereas Maul is quite simply one of the most
powerful DTP applications available today.
Group frames together to create instant scalable company logo's. Ease the
workflow by using master pages and style sheets for consistent quality.
Directly create colour separations to ensure perfect results. Maul has one
of the most sophisticated freeform text formatters of the industry, able
to kern text and inline images along even a wildly curved path.
Maul is a modular product, with a freely available programmers toolkit
describing how to create modules and import/export filters for Maul, as
well as a full description of the file format used. This means your
precious data will never be locked away in some impenetrable proprietary
file format.
V2., 8th May 2002
* Fixed a series of small bugs, including the print dialog, and various
undo problems.
* New object creation and editing features. Adds greater object layering.
* Added new drop shadow effects for both frame borders and contents.
Added text orientation to allow vertical or right to left reading text.
Improved help system provides rapid 'how do i' help access.
* Improved
embedded image orientation for text on a curve.
* Editable page background
* Images and colours inside text now also implemented for text on a curve.
Program URL: http://www.manglais.com/subs/php/product.php?MAULE200
OpenSSH 3.1 p1.2
OpenSSH for OS/2 projects at OS2.Ru DevCenter was updated to version 3.1
p1.2. Fixed sshd.exe hang on ariving of esc sequences.
"OpenSSH is a FREE version of the SSH protocol suite of network
connectivity tools that increasing numbers of people on the Internet are
coming to rely on. OpenSSH encrypts all traffic (including passwords) to
effectively eliminate eavesdropping, connection hijacking, and other
network-level attacks. OpenSSH supports SSH 1.3, 1.5 and 2.0 protocols."
ecs-site.com is now ecssite.com
Hi all
I've purchased the ecssite.com domain as the previous owner let it lapse,
both domains now point to the same place but ecs-site.com will eventually
ie, please use
And feel free to upgrade/change/add links to the links page :-)
Ian B Manners
[Moderator note: ecssite.com is to my knowledge not affiliated with
Serenity Systems or any of its distributors. It is run by Ian Manners who
also runs the http://www.os2site.com Both sites provide useful
information, files and links for OS/2 and eCS users.]
Compulsive Gambler's Toolkit Game released as Open Source
IglooSoft had released Compulsive Gambler's Toolkit as Open Source under
the GNU GPL license.
The file with the binaries and source code is available at the
OS2World.com Gaming site:
and hobbes:
http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/cgi-bin/h-search?key=gambler&pushbutton=Search ----------------------------------------- The Compulsive Gambler's Toolkit are: TTC Vol. 10 released Hello OS/2 users! The Team Trier Collection Vol.10 is now available! For the usual price of only * EUR 5,- * (+ shipping costs) you may look forward to the following Highlights: Two comfortable menu-systems, a HTML interface that can be used with any
web browser and the GoTTC PM program, developed specially for the TTC,
support you at selecting and installing the programs. As a special feature you will receive the master index of the contents of
all TTC releases (including the current one) which you can browse and
search using the GoTTC program - no need to manually check all the CDs for
this one program you are looking for ... For more information and the complete list of contents see the webpages of
Team OS/2 Region Trier e.V. at http://www.teamos2.ipcon.de/ (Files will be available next Wednesday) The easiest way of ordering the TTC is by using our online ordering system
on our webpages; alternativly you may also write a mail to order@teamos2.ipcon.de Thank you very much for your attention! :-) (Note: This CDROM may be of interest only to German-speaking or at least
European customers: Though most of the documentation and the
installation-programs on the CD are also available in English the shipping
charges may get really steep outside of Europe ...) IBM Updated Java and IBM Browser Available IBM has updated the Java Run Time and Java Development Kit files on
May 17, 2002. These files are now available from the "Fixes and Features"
area of the http://www.ecomstation.com site. Paul Smedley, an OS/2 user of (great) renown in Australia, sent me the
following text in an email: "Just thought I'd let you know thatthe
problems with the JITC crash persist with the Java 1.3.1 release from
17/5/2002. Setting SET JAVA_COMPILER=xxx in config.sys makes Java problems
run slower (it turns off the Just In Time Compiler) but they at least
run." This appears to be an issue on some AMD hardware. We'll post more when
we know more.
Blackjack 1.0
Caribbean Poker 1.0
Caribbean Stud Poker 1.3a
Multi Poker 1.05
May 19
* Apache 1.3.24
* Apache 2.0
* Free Pascal Compiler v1.0.6
* FTE of 2002-03-24
* GNU Ghostscript 7.05
* GNUPlot 3.8i
* GSView 4.3
* Java 1.1.8 update
* Lynx 2.8.5 dev.7 with SSL- and NLS support
* LyX 1.1.6 fix 4
* Mozilla 1.0 RC 2
* MySQL 3.23.42 build 3
* PHP 4.1.1
* phpMyAdmin 2.2.6
* PMView 2.32
* Printer Pak 20 english
* Python 2.2.1
* VTeX/2 7.530
* WarpIN 0.9.16
* Warpzilla 0.9.8
* WSeB FP3 english
* Xitami v2.5 beta
* XWorkplace 0.9.18
* The most recent version of CrystalSpace
* ...
May 19
Bob St.John
Serenity Systems
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