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Oktober 2001
PMNRDX 1.09 released
I have just released a bugfixed version of PMNRDX.
PMNRDX is a folder and group reindexer for Stardocks PMINews. Sometimes
PMINews crashes the index files, so that none of the postings is
accessable. PMNRDX recreates these indexfiles.
I have uploaded the 20kB Zip archive to hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/incoming and
placed it on my homepage http://p-engels.de.vu
Peter Engels
Interview With the People Behind JFS, ReiserFS & XFS
Answering Machine for US-Robotics Courier
Here you can find a answering machine named Tauto AVC for the US Robotics
Courier Modem
As the page is in russian I can't give you more informations, sorry, but
the program itself is in english. For downloading search the 'blue links'
on the site
X-Commander/2 beta 0.23 released
X-Commander is a VIO NC-Clone with some extras (e.g. pocesslist killer)
and with support for russian, english and german lanuage
Download site (changed)
Some yet undocumented switches:
Ctrl + left/right or up/down sizes the panels
Crtl+h shows hidden files
shift or alt + left/right scroll 'longlines'
Zeryx Software to exhibit at Warpstock 2001
The Warpstock Committee is pleased to announce that Zeryk Software will be
exhibiting at Warpstock 2001. Be sure to visit their booth when you attend
Warpstock this year.
Zeryx has been in business for 5 years, providing network and software
solutions for small businesses. ZxMail Server is a multi-domain POP3 and
SMTP server that also allows you to redistribute mail from an external
POP3 account to users or domains on your server. ZxMail was previously
distributed to private clients, but it now has been rewritten from the
ground up to provide the best mail server running on OS/2.
For more information on Zeryx Software and their products, please visit
their web site at http://www.zeryx.com.
The 5th annual Warpstock conference will be held October 6-8, 2001, in
Toronto, Ontario, Canada and is produced by Warpstock, Inc., a North
Carolina non-profit corporation. The Warpstock annual conference is a
gathering of OS/2 users, developers, and vendors from around the world for
the purpose of education and advocacy. More information is available at
the Warpstock 2001 website, http://www.warpstock.org or its mirror site: http://warpstock.os2voice.org.
SIO2K Free Upgrade
Users of SIO version 1 with serial numbers of 10025400 and up are eligible
for free upgrades to SIO version 2.
Those users can now go to http://sio2k.gwinn.com and request their free
SIO2K upgrade.
Ray Gwinn
pwICQ was updated 08/29.
pwICQ was updated 08/29.
OS/2 native PM multithreaded ICQ client
WARNING: DB2 UDB for OS/2 Versions 5, 6 and 7: DB2 Backups Using USEREXITs May Fail
IBM is notifying you of a potential problem with DB2 UDB for OS/2 Versions
5, 6 and 7 that may cause DB2 backups using USEREXITs to fail on or after
September 8th or 9th, 2001, based on the timezone the machine operates
under. This may require you to either install a fix or to follow a
workaround procedure to circumvent the problem. Please forward the
attached note to all affected users immediately.
On September 8th or 9th, 2001 (i.e., 21:46:40 Sept 8 EST (Toronto time) or
01:46:40 Sept 9 GMT), the 32-bit time value gains a digit to go from
999999999 to 1000000000. The exact time of the failure will depend on
which timezone the machine operates under. The result is that DB2 will
not pass the fifth parameter, the MODE or sequence #, to the BACKUP
USEREXIT. As a result of this, after this date/time database backups on
OS/2 via a USEREXIT for a database alias of 8 characters will no longer
work and as such a backup will not be taken.
The error or message seen will depend on how the USEREXIT is coded. If
you are using the default USEREXIT, you will see an invalid parameter
error being reported by the USEREXIT.
DB2 Products affected:
This problem is only related to the OS/2 platform and does not affect
other USEREXITs (eg. LOG) or backups taken without USEREXITs.
Inability to perform DB2 UDB backups on OS/2 via a USEREXIT as of
September 8th or 9th, 2001 (i.e., 01:46:40 Sept 9 GMT, or 21:46:40 Sept 8
Resolution: Apply DB2 UDB for OS/2 APAR JR16294 or use the suggested
Fix Availability:
Fix Status for releases currently in service:
The fix for this problem has been uploaded to the DB2 UDB FIXPAK FTP site
in the OS/2 directory for each release currently in service and we are
developing a fix for V5 (out of service). The patched DLLs are stored in
the archive file JR16294.zip. All national language versions use the same
patch. A readme in the same directory (English only) is available to
outline the problem/workaround/patch installation (JR16294.TXT).
Location of FIX for V 6.1 FixPak 8: ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/ps/products/db2/fixes/english/db2os2v61/FP8_WR21255/
Location of FIX for V 7.1 FixPak 3: ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/ps/products/db2/fixes/english/db2os2v7/FP3_WR21251/
Note that this fix can only be applied to specified FIXPAK levels
(FixPak 3 for V7.1 and FixPak 8 for V 6.1) and will not correct the
problem for customers on special/private builds. They will either need
to upgrade to one of these levels before applying the patch or will
to use the workaround until the next FixPak is made available.
Fix Status for releases which are not in service (V5 only) where customers
may have a service extension:
Location of FIX for V 5.2 FixPak 16:
A fix is being developed and will be uploaded to ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/ps/products/db2/fixes/english/db2os2v5/FP16_WR21262/ location. The fix will be in a file called "db22v5_JR16294.zip" and a
readme in the same directory (English only) will also be available to
outline the problem/workaround/patch installation (JR16294.TXT). We
expecting to have this fix developed and uploaded by end of day Friday,
September 7, 2001, Toronto time.
Note that this fix could only be applied to V5.2 FixPak level 16 and
will not correct the problem for customers on special/private builds.
They will need to use the workaround.
TCO Customers can use one of the following options:
- Upgrade to one of the above listed levels and apply the available
patch for your Version/FixPak level.
- Contact your local DB2 support organization and provide all the
service/build level for your TCO to request a special fix. In the
meantime, you may have to use the workaround to circumvent the problem
until a fix can be made available for the requested TCO level.
Catalog another database alias to your database using 7 characters or less
and use this database alias for performing your backups. You must ensure
that the restores are performed using the same database alias as was used
for the backup. By cataloging a separate alias, you avoid having to
reconfigure all your remote database clients, making it transparent to
your users.
Use the standard 24X7 BAU service and escalation procedure to contact your
local support organization.
ZxMail updated to version 1.0.12
In this release:
Fixed: Possible buffer overrun when transfering file, if the line is of a
specific length (occured in exeptional circumstance). Improved: Improve
transfer speed in smtp file transfer between Client and Sever (increased
buffer size) speed is up 200% on smost systems.
Thank you for your support.
Zeryx Software
Starfire Technologies to exhibit at Warpstock 2001
The Warpstock Committee is pleased to announce that Starfire Technologies
will be exhibiting at Warpstock 2001. Be sure to visit their booth when
you attend Warpstock this year.
Starfire's premier partnerships with IBM and Lotus allows them to offer
the "best of breed" products to tackle your most challenging business
problems. Their cross-platform expertise covers the OS/2, Windows, AIX,
and Linux operating systems. Starfire also provides the foundation for
complex architecture, deployment, and development solutions. Starfire is
recognized by IBM as one of the leading business partners in providing
Server-Managed Client solutions with IBM's Network Computing software
family, specifically Workspace On-Demand.
For more information on Starfire Technologies and their products, please
visit their web site at http://www.starfire.net.
The 5th annual Warpstock conference will be held October 6-8, 2001, in
Toronto, Ontario, Canada and is produced by Warpstock, Inc., a North
Carolina non-profit corporation. The Warpstock annual conference is a
gathering of OS/2 users, developers, and vendors from around the world for
the purpose of education and advocacy. More information is available at
the Warpstock 2001 website, http://www.warpstock.org or its mirror site:
How to make Multiwindowed Mozilla
We've publish an article http://os2.ru/articles/software/internet/mozilla/multizilla.phtml.en "Mutlizilla
or how to make multiwindowed Mozilla"
OS2 World.Com Online again!
Guess that most of You have noticed that OS2 World has been offline for
couple of days. System is now available again, but the reason for the
downtime is still unclear and more information will be posted.
New survey about eCS
We've started new survey "Are you interested in eComStation?" on OS2.Ru.
September Edition of "The Warped Perspective" at OS/2 HQ
OS/2 Headquarters (http://www.os2hq.com/) has posted the September 2001
edition of "The Warped Perspective," explaining the market-driven reasons
why OS/2 is necessarily more stable and reliable than Microsoft products.
More on X-Commander/2 beta 0.21
X-Commander is a powerful textmode shell, designed to facilate a number of
operations with files, directories and archives under OS/2, Windows'9x/NT,
Windows'2000 operation systems.
Some features are:
- the common file and folder functions: view, edit, copy,
move and rename, create, delete;
- background file operations
- easy to use menu driven interface
- easy configurable options: internal file viewer and
text editor, panel view and file sorting modes;
- long file name support;
- plugin modules and commands: default plugins set
includes archive management plugin, network client,
process list. but you may write your own plugins;
- tunable configuration, color scheme customization;
- clipboard functions;
- clock, nice screen saver;
- ability to view and edit multiple files in same session
(use Ctrl+Tab to switch between windows)
- and more!
BTW. the German menu is (at the moment) always one release behind, cause I
get the language files when there is a new release
X-Commander b21 is out!
New version of X-Commander, NC-clone, is out. check
ftp://ftp.pilot-film.com/os2/X-COM/xc20_21b.zip for update. A lot of
features were added.
Data Representations to exhibit at Warpstock 2001
The Warpstock Committee is pleased to announce that Data Representations,
creators of Java development tools, will once again be exhibiting at
Warpstock 2001. Be sure to visit their booth when you attend Warpstock
this year.
Data Representations provides specialized products and custom solutions
for your Java Technology needs. They're best known for their Java-hosted
rapid-application-development (RAD) tool, Simplicity for Java, but they
also have RAD tools for a wide variety of platforms, from Palm Pilots to
mainframes. Be sure to visit their booth for a jaw-dropping demo.
To get a taste of what Data Representations has to offer, visit their web
site at http://www.datarepresentations.com.
The 5th annual Warpstock conference will be held October 6-8, 2001, in
Toronto, Ontario, Canada and is produced by Warpstock, Inc., a North
Carolina non-profit corporation. The Warpstock annual conference is a
gathering of OS/2 users, developers, and vendors from around the world for
the purpose of education and advocacy. More information is available at
the Warpstock 2001 website, http://www.warpstock.org or its mirror site: http://warpstock.os2voice.org.
CDRecord/2 V1.11a06 (GPL-freeware)
CDRecord/2 V1.11a06 (GPL-freeware)
(C) Chris Wohlgemuth 1998-2001
This version replaces all previous versions of cdrecord. Should run on any 32 Bit version of OS/2. POSSI to exhibit at Warpstock 2001 The Warpstock Committee is pleased to announce that POSSI, the Phoenix
OS/2 Society user group, will once again be exhibiting at Warpstock 2001.
Be sure to visit their booth when you attend Warpstock this year. The Phoenix OS/2 Society, Inc (POSSI) is an international computer user
group dedicated to users of OS/2 and OS/2 Warp. The Society was founded in
1994 in Phoenix, Arizona, USA and now has members around the world. Anyone
interested in OS/2 and related applications and topics is welcome to join.
The Society's primary purpose is education. Members receive a subscription
to the award-winning Extended Attributes magazine, information-packed
meetings, access to members-only email lists, and a variety of other
At the POSSI booth, you'll be able to talk to POSSI officers about their
organization, inquire into becoming a member, or just examine recent
issues of Extended Attributes, the only print magazine dedicated to OS/2.
Remember, you don't need to live in Arizona to be a member! For more
information on POSSI, visit their web site at http://www.possi.org/. The 5th annual Warpstock conference will be held October 6-8, 2001, in
Toronto, Ontario, Canada and is produced by Warpstock, Inc., a North
Carolina non-profit corporation. The Warpstock annual conference is a
gathering of OS/2 users, developers, and vendors from around the world for
the purpose of education and advocacy. More information is available at
the Warpstock 2001 website, http://www.warpstock.orgor its mirror site:
September 02
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VOICE Homepage: http://de.os2voice.org