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Dezember 2001
Text Converter 0.9.0
Text Converter is freeware OS/2 PM program to convert text files between
various platforms and code pages. Supported are code pages used on DOS,
OS/2, Internet/Unix, Macintosh, and Windows.
Files to be converted may reside in a disk file or in the clipboard, and
must be plain (unformatted) text. Word processor, spreadsheet, ... file
formats are NOT supported.
Language support:
English, Croatian, Dutch, French, German, Polish, Russian, Slovenian,
- more than 40 supported code pages
- add new, change or delete code pages
- source and target may be file or to clipboard
- conversion between dos - mac - unix file format
- convert multiple files
- command line conversion program (useful for your batch scripts)
To download Text Converter 0.9.0 visit:
Later it will be placed in:
shorten - fast compression for waveform files
Shorten reduces the size of waveform files (such as audio) using Huffman
coding of prediction residuals and optional additional quantisation. In
lossless mode the amount of compression obtained depends on the nature of
the waveform. Those composing of low frequencies and low amplitudes give
the best compression, which may be 2:1 or better. Lossy compression
operates by specifying a minimum acceptable segmental signal to noise
ratio or a maximum bit rate. Lossy compression operates by zeroing the
lower order bits of the waveform, so retaining waveform shape.
phpMyAdmin 2.2.1 has been released
phpMyAdmin can administer a whole MySQL-server (needs a super-user) but
also a single database. To accomplish the latter you'll need a properly
set up MySQL-user who can read/write only the desired database. It's up to
you to look up the appropiate part in the MySQL manual. Currently
phpMyAdmin can:
create and drop databases
create, copy, drop and alter tables
delete, edit and add fields
execute any SQL-statement, even batch-queries
manage keys on fields
load text files into tables
create (*) and read dumps of tables
export (*) and import data to CSV values
administer multiple servers and single databases
communicate in more than 20 different languages
Main changes/improvements since version 2.2.0:
- security fixes
- the "blank screen" bug is fixed
- the bug with "LIMIT" clause in "UPDATE" statements is also fixed
(requires MySQL >= 3.23.x)
- binary fields were not exported the way they should in dump files
- importing dump files is about two times faster in this version
- multiple drop/alter statements have been implemented
- new languages were added (finnish, greek, turkish) and some old ones
Slashdot asks: where are the OS/2 users?
Looks like it's time to re-educate some more Linux users again. There's
an article on Slashdot (see link) that asks where all the "OS/2 junkies"
have gone. You don't need an account to reply - just talk about how
you're using OS/2 today. Don't forget to mention eComStation and the
Convenience Packs.
Queries multiple NIST time servers, updates PC clock
Backward-compatible upgrade to NISTIME utility which provides better
accuracy (+/- 0.5 second) and ability to query user-configurable list of
NIST time servers with improved error recovery. Source code included.
Unofficial patch for Mortal Kombat (version 2
Just wanted to announce that I managed to get Mortal Kombat 100% working
under OS/2. MK had 2 "speed-bugs", which are now removed and special OS/2
/ eCS patched-in code to compensate some "bug" (whatever you call it) in
OS/2 VDM. MK is using a 16-bit IRQ handler under 32-bit Protected Mode.
The VDM simply forgets the IRQ handler that way :(
Now it's working 100% *FULL SOUND* via Soundblaster.
Have fun :)
cu Kiewitz
P.S.: I cannot upload to os2world/games, so please get it from hobbes.
From: Martin Kiewitz martin@kiewitz.de
DrawIt 3.4
DrawIt is a vector oriented drawing tool where in you can combine bitmaps
and metafiles with your own drawings. It supports the im/export of
GIF,TIFF,BMP,PCX,TGA,XBM,MET,PIC,JPEG and the internal file format.
Drag/Drop is supported for Bitmaps,colors and fonts. It it highly
recommended to read the About and the Getting started chapters of the
online help in DrawIt.
OS/2 mentioned at osOpinion
There is an article at osOpinion, by Tom Nadeau. Funny and clever, check
it out at:
OS/2 Software Special items
Since yesterday we have a large amount of OS/2 software at hand. It
includes TrueSpectra, Object Desktop, BlueCad, Opalis, VisPro, etc. for
instance. Wednesday afternoon we are going to present a web page at
http://www.compusaar.de/os/2, on which we are going to present our special
[Moderator note: This site is in German and I have no idea if they speak
English or how reliable the site is, but they have some interesting OS/2
software packages for sale. You always have to buy a basic package
consisting of Opalis, Warp 3, and BlueCad(No idea what this costs, you
have to contact them). For 79 DEM (about US$ 36) you can add 3 products
from a list or 6 ones for 119 DEM (about US$ 55). I have no idea if the
software is German version or not.]
DFSee version 4.08 released
This is the DFSee version that will be used at the Warpstock Europe
workshops ...
DFSee is an FDISK-like display, analysis and recovery tool
with powerfull FIX commands and UNDELETE for HPFS and NTFS.
Bootsector recovery for FAT32 is complete now (FIXBOOT).
Details can be found at: http://www.fsys.demon.nl/dfsee.htm
Version 4.08 updates and fixes:
- Use DFSMDOS in DFSUNFD.BAT allowing low memory situations
- Automatic scroll to end of output window before each command - New
FATSIM and FATWRIM commands to save/restore fat tables - New FAT32
FINDROOT command, finding all possible root clusters - Added copy of the
spare sectors (6&7) for FAT32 FIXBOOT
- Added extra warning for create type 00 (usually an error)
- Use spare MFT in NtfsInit if the base MFT is damaged
- FAT directory display update so 'cl 0' is displayed as 'Root' - Search
position of 1st and 2nd FAT if bootsector is damaged - Fixed FAT label
display in partition-table display (part) - Added FAT32 rootdir location
to standard bootsector display - Changed SWAP/EXT2 naming for type 82/83,
more Linux centric
Registering DFSee will give you the right to use all 4.xx versions and get
support plus a reasonable amount of assistance by email.
But even more important, it enables further development of DFSee! The next
major changes for DFSee will be multiple UNDO/REDO, and a command to
copy/move partitions.
Regards, Jan van Wijk
From: Jan van Wijk jvw@fsys.demon.nl
NEF image decoder
This is a utility which decodes 'NEF' files - the raw image files from the
Nikon D1 camera, and produces an image which can be processed by standard
image processing tools.
New drivers - DaniS506.ADD, DaniATAPI.FLT and DaniDASD.DMD
Hi folks,
Right before Warpstock EU I've uploaded some new versions of my drivers to
- DaniS506.ADD v1.3.10
- DaniATAPI.FLT v0.3.5
- DaniDASD.DMD v1.4.4
Besides lots of minor fixes, there are some proviously undocumented
features documented now. Minor additions are support for some new (not yet
available) chips and ATA/133 stuff. The biggest improvement is support for
ATA Flash, Compact Flash, CF+, SmartMedia, etc. in PCCard slots - bye bye
or http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/incoming/daniatapi035.zip
Enhanced Os/2 port of cd writing program in DAO mode. Works only with
Aspirout 1.1b4 (included). Does not require EMX runtime.
ISDNPM 3.x is an OS/2-Dialer with support for modem, CAPI 1.1/2.0 and xDSL
(PPPoE). It supports NAT/IP-Masquerading and has many filter options for
dial-, timeout- and package filter. It can be used as an ISDN dial-in
server with authentification via phone number and/or user id.
Auto WGet Daemon 1.7.0
Dimitry A. Steklenev has released version 1.7.0 of his Auto WGet Daemon.
From the author's homepage:
Auto WGet Daemon is a free utility set for driving GNU WGet or any similar
utility for downloading files. Auto WGet Daemon allows you to start
downloading by simply Drag'n'Drop to special folder. Aside from, Auto WGet
Daemon supports queue for downloads and allows restart failed downloads in
the power fail or any other unpleasantness.
There is also a lot of other software packages written or maintained by
Dimitry A. Seklenev on this site.
OpenWatcom Watcom 11.0c beta
For more information please contact:
SciTech Software, Inc.
(530) 894-8400
SciTech Announces Watcom 11.0c Beta Release
Update Paves the Way for Massive Open Source Effort
Chico, Calif., September 27, 2001 -- SciTech Software, Inc. today
announced the beta release of the 11.0c update to the popular Watcom˜
C/C++ and Fortran compilers. The patch includes a number of eagerly
anticipated fixes and enhancements and can be downloaded, free of charge,
from the Open Watcom web site at www.openwatcom.org. Support for the
update will be handled exclusively through the Open Watcom web site.
"This binary update will immediately aid thousands of active Watcom
developers," said Rob Veitch, Director of Business Development at Sybase ,
"This release shows Sybase's commitment to its customers and it
demonstrates that SciTech Software is up to the task of assuming the
leadership role in the Open Watcom development effort."
Jointly developed by Sybase, SciTech and a core team of Open Watcom
developers, the 11.0c update is the first new release of the Watcom
compilers in over three years. The Watcom 11.0c release is a prelude to
the to the forthcoming Open Source release.
About Open Watcom The Watcom C/C++ and Fortran products will be the first
mass market, proprietary compilers to be Open Sourced and, weighing in at
nearly three million lines of source code, will represent one of the
largest pools of commercial source code of any type ever released under an
Open Source license. Sybase, Inc. developed the original Watcom code and
SciTech Software, Inc. is the official maintainer of the project.
The Open Watcom project has stirred tremendous interest among developers
worldwide. Thousands have already joined the Open Watcom community at
http://www.openwatcom.org/ in order to use Open Watcom and contribute to its
further development.
Watcom supports software development in Windows, DOS, OS/2, Netware, QNX,
and other operating systems (a Linux version of Open Watcom is planned).
The Open Watcom web address is http://www.openwatcom.org/.
About SciTech Software, Inc. SciTech Software, Inc. is the leading
supplier of PC graphics utilities, drivers, and tools for high-performance
graphics applications, including computer games. SciTech's products help
users fix graphics hardware problems and allow software developers to
achieve maximum performance from PC graphics hardware. SciTech's products
include SciTech Display Doctor, the only universal display driver, SciTech
GLDirect, an OpenGL to Direct3D driver and SciTech MGL, an Open Source,
professional graphics library used to develop some of today's most popular
software programs. SciTech products support the Windows, Linux, OS/2, DOS,
QNX, and SMX operating systems. Many major software companies and hardware
companies license portions of SciTech's technology for incorporation in
their products. SciTech is privately held and the company's Web address is
Sybase and Watcom are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sybase Inc.
or its subsidiaries. All other company and product names mentioned may be
trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies with which
they are associated.
LogView 1.03
ws it-service, Wolfram Schmid (A Href="w.schmid@ws-it.de">w.schmid@ws-it.de) updated LogView, a text
and log file viewer program for OS/2 and eCS.
LogView can trace files in realtime and is very quick. It can be used
during program development to disply debug output or to show any other
text file or logfile created by any arbitrary program.
Features of LogView:
- Traces the growing of text files
- Handles large text files with more than 65535 lines
- Scrolls automatically to the end of the file (optional)
- Shows line numbers and file positions
- Starts viewing after program start (optional):
- from the begin of the file
- from the end of the file
- Copy to the clipboard
- Open file via Drop or file dialog
- Window position and size can be stored.
- Column wide can be stored.
New in this version:
- Font of the text view are stored automaticaly
- Fixes a bug with copy to clipboard
Web Site (english): http://www.ws-it.de/en/product/logview
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