![]() VOICE Homepage: http://de.os2voice.org |
Dezember 2001
WarpIN archive (WPI files) viewer+unpacker for Windows v0.2
WarpIN archive (WPI files) viewer+unpacker for Windows v0.2
New version now also supports viewing/unpacking of self-extracting
archives (EXE files) as can be created by WarpIN >=0.9.13
Syndicate Wars - Unofficial Patch OUT
Just some good news.
Syndicate Wars is now running under OS/2 / eCS.
It had the same bug like the Doom sound engine.
Have fun :)
You may get it from hobbes/incoming or my own ftp.
cu Kiewitz
Gabriel Knight 1/2 - Nearly working, needing help
I got Sierra's Gabriel Knight 1 and 2 nearly working. The actual game is,
but if you move the mouse the VDM goes into text-mode. The game works as
I checked their mouse-handler and it looks okay. Perhaps they are using
VESA routines to move the mouse-cursor around.
I have SDD installed on any computer here, so I can't check, if it's
perhaps some sort of SDD bug.
Could anyone that has Gabriel Knight 1 *or* 2 and is able to boot OS/2
without SDD contact me, so I can send him my beta-patch.
cu Kiewitz
P.S.: Pandora Directive/Under a Killing moon is working as well. I just
got Soundblaster freezes.
eComStation article on http://www.livingwithoutmicrosoft.org
Fr. Andrew Wm. Graham has posted an article on
http://www.livingwithoutmicrosoft.org/. It might help if other users go there and
add their thoughts and comments as well.
CDR/RW WIzard 1.0.0 beta 2 avaliable
The new CDR/RW WIzard 1.0.0 beta 2 is avaliable to download at my
homepages: www.quasarbbs.net/rocco
Submit to cdrwiz newsgroup!!! Now you can!
DFSee presentations (Warpstock) and version 4.09 is out
The DFSee related presentations used at Warpstock Europe are now available
for online viewing and download at:
DFSee is an FDISK-like display, analysis and recovery tool with powerfull
FIX commands and UNDELETE for HPFS and NTFS.
Details can be found at: http://www.fsys.demon.nl/dfsee.htm
Version 4.09 has user interface enhancements for the commandline: - Fixed
garbage text bug in status line & scroll buffer (OS2 only) - History
recall with Ctrl+UP now always gets the previous cmd - Ctrl-LEFT: one word
backward; Ctrl-RIGHT: one word forward
- Ctrl-B: clear to begin of field; Ctrl-E: clear to end of field - Esc in
scroll-buffer (after a Registering DFSee will give you the right to use all 4.xx versions and get
support plus a reasonable amount of assistance by email. But even more important, it enables further development of DFSee! There is also a PROFESSIONAL registration that allows commercial use of
DFSee for roll-out or datarecovery services. For details, see: http://www.fsys.demon.nl/dfsee.htm#register The next version of DFSee (4.10) will use a more consistent command
parser, resulting in a slightly changed syntax for some commands ... Regards, Jan van Wijk From: Jan van Wijk jvw@fsys.demon.nl OS/2 Nominations Sought for 2002 SharewareJunkies.com Awards Nominations for the year's best shareware programs are being sought for
the sixth annual SharewareJunkies.com Awards, to be presented on January
2, 2002 by the popular Internet site SharewareJunkies.com. Net surfers
are invited to cast their votes at http://www.sharewarejunkies.com between
now and December 20. The 2002 SharewareJunkies.com Awards will consist of five categories: four
are specific to individual operating systems--Best Windows Program, Best
Macintosh Program, Best OS/2 Program, Best DOS Program--and the fifth
celebrates the Best Freeware Program, which is open to a product running
on any operating system as long as it is available at no cost. The program which receives the highest number of votes will be named Best
Program of the Year. Previous winners of the SharewareJunkies.com Award
for Best Program have been Hot Dog from Sausage Software, Download Butler
from Lincoln Beach Software, ClipMate from Thornsoft Development, WinZip
from Nico Mak Corporation and SmartDraw from SmartDraw.com. WarpGoGo ver. 0.99b WarpGoGo upgrade to version 0.99b. "WarpGoGo is a free graphics interface for GoGo-no-coda MP3 encoder. GoGo
uses to encode MMX, 3DNow!, SSE CPU extended instruction. It is a very
fast MP3 encoder. " eComStation Tour On OS/2.cz, there is a new section - ECS Tour - it contains some new
pictures of eComStation. Look at this great operating system! From: Filip Molcan molcanf@seznam.cz Doom/Doom2/Heretic/Hexen/Strife Unofficial Generic Patcher Generic patcher is available now. It works on Doom, Doom2, Heretic, Hexen
and Strife. Will patch those games so that Soundblaster sound will work 100%. Further
informationen contained in archive. cu Kiewitz P.S.: Happy Dooming/2 http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/incoming/idpatchr.zip New sio2k release Version 2.01a of the SIO2K serial drivers is now avaliable at
http://www.gwinn.com. This release includes additions that allow support
for a wider range of PCI cards. See HISTORY.TXT in the distribution zip
for a complete list of additions and changed. The drivers are also available at hobbes (http://hobbes.nmsu.edu) and Pete
Norloff's os2bbs (http://www.os2bbs.com). PMLM was added in the 2.01 release of SIO2K. PMLM allows developers and
users to monitor all data being sent and received by a given
communications port, ie COM1, COM2 etc. The changes in signals, such as
DTR and DCD, are also recorded in the PMLM trace. SIO2K is shareware communication drivers and utilities for OS/2 developed
by Ray Gwinn. Doom is WORKING with SB-Sound, 100% NOW :) This is a really great day. I finally got it working. 100% without freezes. With Soundblaster
Sound/FX. REALLY. Not kidding. I will write a generic patcher, so that this buggy routine will get fixed
under Hexen, Heretic, etc. I just thought of giving you something to play with, while I'm doing the
generic patcher. And I don't want people to think that I didn't get it
really :) So...get it from: ftp://os2:rescue@kiewitz.ath.cx/outgoing/DoomRulez.exe Have FUN. cu Kiewitz Nconvert 3.16 Pierre Gougelet has released Nconvert 3.16 Nconvert is a multi-format image converter,who supports over 340 graphic
formats in reading and 40 in writing http://perso.wanadoo.fr/pierre.g/ AiR-BOOT v0.23b Public-Beta Release I'm releasing AiR-BOOT today as Public-*BETA* AiR-BOOT is a Multi-Boot partition loader with some extra features built
in. Like colored "award-like" SETUP, Virus-Protection,
Linux-Kernel-Support etc. It was written in 100% assembly and was last
modified 1 1/2 years ago. It's working here 100% stable. I think some more
users should benefit from it. Later versions will perhaps include some Partitioning tool as well. *Please read the manual*, before installing the software and please backup
your system, just to make sure. Currently AiR-BOOT is somehow Freeware. Registration-Information is
included still, but this version is not crippled in any way, nor is it
time-bombed. I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE FEED-BACK as well as thoughts about the program
and additional feature wishes. cu Kiewitz P.S.: I don't know if it works with Windows 2000/XP.
It's working fine with OS/2 Warp, Win95/98/PC-DOS/OpenDOS/Linux (special
kernel support). http://kiewitz.ath.cx/cgi-bin/download.cmd?FileID=softw_airboot From: Martin Kiewitz martin@kiewitz.de Updated 3COM EL90x.OS2 3COM has updated their Ethernet NIC drivers for the 3C90x 10 Mbps and
10/100 Mbps PCI NIC Family Latest Version for OS/2 is now 5.2.4 ftp://ftp.3com.com/pub/NIC/3c90x/3c90x2.exe Tip: After renaming the 'exe' to'zip' you can easily unzip the files LogView 1.04 ws it-service, Wolfram Schmid <w.schmid@ws-it.de> has updated LogView, a
text and log file viewer program for OS/2 and eCS. LogView can trace
files in realtime and is very quick. It can be used during program
development to disply debug output or to show any other text file or
logfile created by any arbitrary program. New in this version: http://www.ws-it.de/en/product/logview Norman Virus Control Beta 3 available Norman Virus Control v5.2 Beta 3 for OS/2 and eComStation is now available
using the following link: http://www.norman.no/nvc5_os2beta.shtml Anyone who has already installed Beta 1, can update using the Internet
Update utility provided with Beta 1. Before attempting an update, specify the folowing licence key in the
configuration editor, in the Installation Settings: HK4AC-B2MBW-QDNQJ-9I3EF-GXY3E This key will last for the duration of the beta period, and we expect
further updates to be made available as they're ready. Please review the installation notes at the end of the update for
important notes and limitations.
Your feedback is appreciated at os2demo@norman.no. Changes in this release: On-access scanner: - error popup in CClaw.c(719), rc=78382373, fixed http://www.norman.no/nvc5_os2beta.shtml From: Harald Eilertsen os2demo@norman.no Weasel 1.3 released At long last, the new release of Weasel is available. For those who don't
know it, Weasel is a shareware e-mail server (POP3 and SMTP) for OS/2 and
eCS. The new version has had its "outward mail" processing completely
redesigned for faster delivery. There are also many minor changes. LIST OF CHANGES New groups added to the Jakesplace Ultimate OS/2 News Feed! The Ultimate OS/2 Newsfeed at Jakesplace has added two new
newsfeeds! I've added the Sundial news groups to the newsfeed at jakesplace. Sundial
Systems are the developers of such fine OS/2 software packages as Mesa,
Clearlook, Relish, DBExpert, Junkspy, etc. I'm now carrying all their
groups. I've also added the recently revived OS/2 related newsgroups at IBM's news
server, news.software.ibm.com. Jakesplace is now carrying feeds from usenet, eComStation.nl, IBM's java
news server, IBM's general news server, Scitech/Openwatcom, Mozilla.org,
and Sundial, for a total of 88 newsgroups. If you're running a private OS/2 related news server and would like to
have your groups added to the Jakesplace Ultimate OS/2 Newsfeed, feel free
to contact me at jake@jakesplace.dhs.org. News server policy may be found in the newsgroup
jakesplace.announce. Any comments or requests regarding policy may be
discussed in jakesplace.discussion. To access the server, just point your newsreader at
jakesplace.dhs.org. (news://jakesplace.dhs.org for all you netscape fans
out there;). Here is a complete list of all the groups carried at
Feel free to drop by and check it out! Regards, WarpMedia tp8 WarpMedia Technology Preview #1x08 New in #1x08: New in #1x07 (distributed at Warpstock Europe only): ftp://ftp.sdg.os2.nu:21/pub/warpmedia/testcase/wmed_tp1x08.zip CD-Rom "Team Trier Collection Vol. 9" released / TTC9 erschienen Hello OS/2 users! The Team Trier Collection Vol.9 is now available! For the usual price of only * DM 10,- / EUR 5,- * (+ shipping costs) you
may look forward to the following Highlights: Two comfortable menu-systems, a HTML interface that can be used with any
web browser and the GoTTC PM program, developed specially for the TTC,
support you at selecting and installing the programs. As a special feature you will receive the master index of the contents of
all TTC releases (including the current one) which you can browse and
search using the GoTTC program - no need to manually check all the CDs for
this one program you are looking for ... For more information and the complete list of contents see the webpages of
Team OS/2 Region Trier e.V. at http://www.teamos2.ipcon.de/ For more information and the complete list of contents see the webpages of
Team OS/2 Region Trier e.V. at order@teamos2.ipcon.de Thank you very much for your attention! :-) (Note: This CDROM may be of interest only to German-speaking or at least
European customers: Though most of the documentation and the
installation-programs on the CD are also available in English the shipping
charges may get really steep outside of Europe ...) VOICE Newsletter - Potential new feature We would like to add a new page to the VOICE Newsletter to allow small
Freeware and OS/2 user advertisements. This has been delayed a bit do to
our involvement with Warpstock. Hopefully we can have something together
for December. But we need your help. This new page would allow developers of freeware apps to advertise their
products by having a free banner/text ad on this page. Also OS/2-eCS users
and OS/2 user groups could place text ads seeking other OS/2-eCS users in
their geographical area to start/promote a user group or maybe just find
someone to help them with a support problem or have coffee with. So let
us know if you think this is a good idea. If you would like to place an
advertisement send it to ads@os2voice.org . If you would just like to
comment, please send email to feedback@os2voice.org. As with most
everything at VOICE, these ads are free, supported by the members who have
joined VOICE. We have also revised our sponsorship levels to make it more affordable to
sponsor VOICE, and have banner ads on some pages of the Newsletter for
shareware and commercial OS/2 developers. You can view the status of that
on our Sponsorship page - http://www.os2voice.org/sponsorinfo.html. Smart Cache 0.56 Radim Kolar has released smartcache 0.56 Smart Cache is full featured proxy cache server. It can be also used as
replacement for your browser's internal diskcache. If you do it, you will
have faster, more anonymous and offline browsing available. Program is
written using Java language, it is reported to run under Windows, Linux,
OS/2, MacOs. http://home.worldonline.cz/~cz210552/scache.html NewView 1.30.6 NewView is a replacement for View.exe, the original OS/2 help viewer. Major enhancements are: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/cgi-bin/h-search?key=NewView1.30.6.zip NewView release changes
There are separate registrations available for larger quantities now with
discounts up to 80% of the standard single user price!
November 08
November 08
November 08
November 08
You can get the file via FTP as well:
Still I am unable to update os2world/games. Sorry.
November 08
November 07
P.S.: 2 Statements:
1st: The problem was really *NOT* IBMs fault.
2nd: I will remove the file, when the generic patcher is available. So
don't ask, why the file isn't there anymore. It will be on FTP till
tomorrow for sure. I'm so happy :) You can't believe how happy I am
currently... :)
November 07
November 07
November 06
November 06
- Sound on new data and sound settings dialog
- Option to hide the Menu and Toolbar
- Context menu
Web Site (english):
November 06
WPS integration:
- fixed problem with space in filename in WPS integration
- added splash screen when desktop opens
- removed "Check for virus..." from desktop menu
- active component dialog now works
- Config editor:
- display only buttons needed, no save as...
- state of installed components was changed on saveFile, fixed!
- changes
in on-access scanner
->scanning page would not notify that file was
changed, fixed!
- cosmetic fixup of Install settings
->Authentication page
- white text on white background in dialog windows, fixed!
- cosmetic fixups in common settings
->quarantine page
- parsing of IP and IPX addresses in message routing
->routing page did not
work, fixed!
- saving and restoring of addresses from message routing
module did not work, fixed!
- button text in message handling pages did
not make sence, fixed!
Task editor:
- cosmetic changes
On-demand scanner:
- start automatically when scheduled
- disable error popups
- scanning whole drives from tasks now works
- resize window now works correctly
Internet update now enabled:
- automatic engine and def file updates
- new features and fixes will be made available progressively
November 06
You can get it from
or from
Version 1.30
Increased number of worker threads that send mail to 16.
Radical change to the way the outgoing mail is sorted.
This should improve mailing list performance.
Optional serialisation of filter operations, to compensate
for Rexx scripts that can't handle more than one thread
at a time.
For relay host, use direct lookup rather than MX lookup.
Extra guard against memory overflow in high-traffic
Mail no longer sent through backup relay for recipients
where the original server has rejected this user.
New way of specifying blacklist sites, as a result of the
way those sites have changed.
In Setup and VIOSetup, added check for a user name that
duplicates an alias, or vice versa.
VIOSetup now supports most things that Setup does.
Fixed bug: misleading error message if no valid recipients.
Fixed memory leak in UIDL command.
November 05
Jack Troughton
newsmaster, jakesplace.dhs.org
November 05
- Some bug fixes
- Implemented rewind button for AVI
- Loop control implemented
- AVI A/V Synch OSD setting
- XCenter widget trayable
- More media info in playlist. Columns now toggable too
- AVI playback uses DART for for framerate control instead of Timer0
This might cause problems with "bad" DART drivers
- AVI with PCM audio supported
- AVI with MP3/VBR now supported
- Better AVI format compability
- Forward/rewind buttons activated for MPEG-1 video
- Forward button activated for AVI video (press several times to
increase speed)
- Larger MPEG video/audio buffersize for "bad" DART drivers
November 05
- ISDNPM 3.02r7
- PostgreSQL 7.1.3
- GhostScript 7.0.3 and GhostView 4.05 beta
- Apache 1.3.20 and the Apache 2.0.22 Alpha
- the most recent version of Warpzilla
and the Netscape Communicator 4.61 Update
- MySQL/2 3.13.42
- the most recent Java 1.1.8 Update
- CrystalSpace 0.19
- and the GIMP/2 1.2.2
November 04
November 04
November 04
- New user interface (split window)
- Select and copy direct from window
- Easy to use global (all files) search
- Remembers size & position
- Most recently used files list
- Smooth scrolling display
- Current topic always highlighted in contents
- Can go forward as well as back in history
- Options for fonts, colours and more
- Annotate help files
- Bookmarks
- Fully resizeable
- True Multi Document Interface so topic
windows can be sized and closed.
- Fixed bug with alignment around images
- Fix for text line chunks longer than 200 chars
Shows up mostly on hi-res screens
- Reconnected Colour wheel and value bar in options. Whoops.
- Added NewView.INF helpfile, connected to menu
"Help" - "How to Use NewView"
- Added Expand All item to view menu
Also option to Expand All on file open.
- Minor user interface fixes/enhancements
- Added gpl.txt to distribution
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VOICE Homepage: http://de.os2voice.org