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Dezember 2001
SDDSE707.EXE released
SDDSE707.EXE has been released on
This new driver still has got a font problem which may be specific to
DBCS. That is, in the Netscape Messenger, it doesn't display any Bold
[Moderator note: This driver requires a Software Choice subscription.]
Smart Cache 0.58 released
On November 16, 2001 Radim Kolar released a new version of Smart Cache, a
Java Proxy. The Proxy runs with Java 1.1x!
[Moderator's note: Smart Cache is full featured proxy cache server. It can
be also used as replacement for your browser's internal diskcache.]
Aspirout 1.1 beta 5
Paul Ratcliffe has released Aspirout 1.1 beta5
This is an updated version of Daniel Dorau's Aspi Router device driver. It
is designed to support simultaneous access to the driver from more than 1
process (currently limited to 4 in this Beta version). For the programmer,
it simplifies and enhances the interface whilst retaining backwards
compatibilty and removes the need for application semaphores to signal
command completion.
RSJ 3.61
RSJ CD Writer has been updated to version 3.61
Updated Amouse 2.0 beta
There is a new Amouse 2.0 beta
This driver will work with all standard mice as well as with mice with a
wheel, e. g.:
- Logitech Pilot Mouse+ with serial or PS/2 port
- Logitech Mouse Man+
- Microsoft Intellimouse
- IBM Scrollpoint Mouse
SciTech Display Doctor for OS/2 - BETA 44
You can download SciTech Display Doctor 7.0.8 for OS/2 BETA 44 from our
ftp site using the following URL:
What's new:
. All remaining changes are now tracked on the web. Public changes
are tracked at the following URL:
About SciTech Display Doctor for OS/2
SciTech Display Doctor for OS/2 brings SciTech's proven universal device
driver technologies to the OS/2 operating system. SciTech Display Doctor
for OS/2 incorporates the SciTech Nucleus Graphics Architecture, which is
a cross platform device driver technology enabling the use of the same
device drivers in all versions of SciTech Display Doctor. Sharing the
drivers between platforms improves the quality and performance of device
drivers for all supported operating systems.
For more detailed information about SciTech Display Doctor for OS/2
(including the list of supported graphics chipsets) see the complete
readme at:
CpPal v0.30 - Codepage Switcher
CpPal uses d&d to let you query and change the codepages used by PM-based
programs that are already running. Its primary purpose is to let
occassional users of non-Latin-1 languages view & compose text in those
languages more easily.
cppal030.zip (54kb) is currently in /pub/incoming at hobbes and is
destined for /pub/os2/util/wps
With CpPal, you can change the "process" codepage to either value set in
config.sys. More usefully, you can also set the PM "message queue"
codepage to any of the 100+ values in country.sys. PM will use this
codepage to translate keystrokes into characters and character values into
the glyphs displayed in a window.
v0.30 is "Phase I" of CpPal's development. If it proves useful, "Phase
II" will provide a true palette of user-defined presets and the option to
change the target's font when the PM codepage changes.
Warning: changing codepages may have undesirable effects. In particular,
files whose names contain non-ASCII characters may become inaccessible if
the current process codepage does not match the one in effect when the
file was created. To avoid system-wide problems, CpPal will not permit
you to change the codepages used by the shell process (pmshell #1), the
WPS, and CpPal itself.
Hobbes: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/incoming/cppal030.zip
Hobbes search: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/cgi-bin/h-search?key=cppal030
Intel NIC driver version 5.1.1
Intel(R) PRO LAN Adapter Driver release 5.1.1, OS/2 drivers only.
Driver supports EtherExpress PRO/10+ PCI adapter, Intel PRO/100+ Dual Port
Server adapter, Intel PRO/100 S Desktop & Management adapters, Intel
PRO/100 S Dual Port Server adapter, Intel PRO/100 S Server adapter, Intel
PRO/100 VE adapter, Intel PRO/100+ adapter, Intel PRO/100+ Management
adapter, Intel PRO/100+ Server adapter, Intel PRO/100B adapter, Intel
Workstation Board OR840
hobbes search: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/cgi-bin/h-search?key=intelnic511.zip
hobbes incoming: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/incoming/intelnic511.zip
Xmouse 0.2 released
Martin Lafaix has released XMouse 0.2
It contains an enhanced mouse driver. It is intended to
replace the mouse.sys driver as included in the scrollms.exe package.
What's new
It adds support for the following mouse types:
- Intellimouse Explorer (five buttons + wheel)
- Logitech MouseMan (three buttons)
- Logitech M-BJ58 Optical scroll mouse (three buttons + wheel)
- Logitech M-RG45 Cordless wheel mouse (three buttons + wheel)
It also enhance the detection fallback routine, in that it attempt to
fallback as an intellimouse or intellimouse explorer mouse before going
down to a plain two buttons mouse, if the mouse seems to support one of
those two protocols.
FAST Editor Lite 0.2.17.
Sergey Yevtuschenko has updated Fast Editor Lite to Version 0.2.17
FED is VIO mode programmers editor. It's fast, small in size and flexible.
A lot of useful macro already present in default configuration file and
you may add your own written either in simple built-in or REXX language.
FAST Editor Lite is distributed as open source project under BSD-like
+ Pipe interface
* Fixed kbAltF8 macro
* Fixed redraw (window title) from threads other than main
* Improved handling different line delimiters (CR/LF/CRLF)
* Fixing traps when opening file on heavy loaded LAN or via slow
* Fixed handling of '{' and '}' inside REXX macro
* A try to improve handling of bracket pairs matching
Fix for ConfigCompare
There is bug in ConfigCompare (part of ConfigTool 1.0.0) - after a session
of comparing and updating, program deletes CONFIG file.
Fix is available on my site and Hobbes (incoming directory).
Download this fix and unzip to ConfigTool directory (overwrite
Hobbes: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/incoming/cfgtool100fix.zip Hobbes
search: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/cgi-bin/h-search?key=cfgtool100fix
From: Goran Ivankovic duga1@pu.hinet.hr
New Scitech Display Doctor Beta
On Scitech's FTP-Site there is a new Version of the Display Doctor (V
7.0.8 Beta) driver. See at ftp://ftp.scitechsoft.com/sdd/beta/os2/sdd-os2-7.0.8-b44.exe
On-the-fly codepage switcher for PM apps
Use drag and drop to query and change the codepages used by open PM apps.
Set the "Process" CP to either value in config.sys, and the "PM" CP to any
of the 100+ CPs included in country.sys. Released under the Gnu GPL, the
archive includes all source code.
Updated adaptec SCSI drivers
IBM has updated the drivers for Adaptec AIC 7870/78U2/U160 SCSI adapters.
Release version is 10.3 from 17. Okt 2001.
[Moderator note: These drivers are dated after the beta ones in the
newadaptec drivers released on testcase, but are the exact same file size.
However the readme included in this is from 5/1/2001 and makes no mention
if these drivers fix the long CHKDSK on boot problem, fixed in the beta
newadaptec package.]
eZine November Issue is out.
From The Editor
Robert Basler
Logitech Wheel Mouse Optical
Robert Basler gets a cool new mouse.
eComStation 1.0 - The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
Robert Basler gives the new OS a spin.
Visualizer Query
Douglas Clark looks at a WPS user interface for DB2.
An Interview with Achim Hasenmueller
Pete Grubbs sits down with the fellow behind the upcoming Virtual PC for
Freelance Graphics
Mike Engle looks at the forgotten component of SmartSuite.
An Interview with Douglas Hendrix
Dan Eicher talks to the man who brought us Stellar Frontier.
ODBC on OS/2 Part 7
Douglas Clark looks at the Granddaddy of databases - DB2 from IBM.
Into Java, Part 22
Simon Gronlund builds his own chat server.
Ask Bas and John
Bas Heijermans and John Bijnens answer your OS/2 questions in this ongoing
November Forums
Questions for the authors? Disagree with us? Take it to the forums.
Russian language files for XWorkplace 0.9.14
Russian language files for XWorkplace 0.9.14 http://www.xworkplace.org
Maul Publisher v2.0 is now available
Maul Publisher has been updated to v2.0 and is now available for download
at http://www.manglais.com/ The site also contains other freeware and
Maul is a DeskTop Publishing program that will handle posters, booklets
and long documents. It also has a lot of documented interfaces, enabling
developers to write their own import/export filters or extend/embed the
Maul Publisher started out several years ago, and went through many
updates until v1.23 Then, the author started work on a Windows port,
totally revising and optimising all his code, and now presented his v2.0
at Warpstock Europe. The version available for download has the same
number as the one distributed there, but already contains several
important fixes. Although previous updates were all free, upgrading from
v1.x to v2.x comes at a cost, since the package now also includes a
hyphenation dictionary licensed from another firm. Other features are
described at http://www.manglais.com/
Text Converter - update
There is Spanish language support for Text Converter. To download, visit:
Text Converter is OS/2 PM program to convert text files between various
platforms and code pages. Supported are code pages used on DOS, OS/2,
Internet/Unix, Macintosh, and Windows.
Survey 'Do you need boot feature for JFS partitions?'
Pavel Shtemenko is the author of low-level utilities for JFS files system.
He is going to introduce the boot feature for JFS. Your interest will make
him to describe procedure and publish results.
Regarding Warpzilla + java 1.3
[Moderator note: In response to the post yesterday on the Warpzilla IBM
Java13 Plugin Enabler, Andy forwards the following earlier posts from Mike
Kaply of IBM concerning Java 1.3, and other plugins with the Warpzilla web
browser. These posts are from the Mozilla OS/2 news group -
news://news.mozilla.org/netscape.public.mozilla.os2 and warn about
potential problems with running Warpzilla (Mozilla 0.9.x for OS/2) with
plugins. To summarize, this is not supported by IBM.]
From Mozilla newsgroup:
If you find a hang in Warpzilla PLEASE test it WITHOUT Java.
We need to know whether the hang is a Warpzilla hang or a Java hang.
If I see bugs that are opened as hangs without explicitly saying that Java
was NOT involved or the page that hangs has Java on it, I will mark the
My team does not own the Java plugin and we can't fix bugs in it.
Mike Kaply
And a little more information about plugins in general but not java in
particular as it "works" but may hang the system as per above.
If you mean the IBM 4.61 MIDI plugins, none of the 4.61 plugins are
supported on Warpzilla.
The architecture of these plugins makes assumptions that only 4.61 meets.
Mike Kaply
They are supported in IBM Web Browser. They aren't supported in Warpzilla.
I know that sounds weird.
We put in some incredibly ugly hacks in cross-platform code to make them
We can't do this in Mozilla.
Mike Kaply
LogView 1.05
ws it-service, Wolfram Schmid New in this version: Web Site (english): http://www.ws-it.de/en/product/logview New version of Blocks Version 1.00 of the game Blocks has just been released. Blocks is an OS/2 / ecomstation version of the game Same. You can get the latest version at : http://www.crosswinds.net/~kif/Blocks/blocks.htm Kim Foder Sony Clie (Palm Pilot) Works under OS/2 -FYI- The Sony Clie software(Sony Clie Palm Desktop) works under OS/2 with Odin
(latest build) I had to purchase the Serial Sync Cradle as the USB Cradle
would not work under OS/2. Yet I have used Pilot Link for OS/2 which has worked well. Just passing this info along.... OS/2 CONNECT - December 2001 Free monthly newsletter dedicated to OS/2. CON1201.ZIP contains the OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for December 2001 in
HTML file format suitable for use with standard web browsers, such as the
Netscape Navigator. OS/2 CONNECT is THE authoritative source for contact
information in the universe of IBM's OS/2 32-bit operating system. http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/cgi-bin/h-search?key=CON1201.ZIP You can view it online at ttp://www.os2ss.com/connect/ RexxMail updated to build 20011112.105405. Build 20011112.105405 of RexxMail is now available from: http://www.degeus.com/rexx/ From the RexxMail readme.txt file: RexxMail provides an extremely flexible yet easy to use e-mail processing
environment with a minimum of fuss. It operates through elements provided
by the standard OS/2 Workplace Shell (which is still the best graphical
user interface available on any platform). Since the RexxMail user
interface consists of normal WPS folders and program and file objects,
getting to know the program requires only a minimum of effort. Although the standard way of working with RexxMail is through the WPS by
manipulating WPS objects, RexxMail is a straightforward Classic REXX
program that runs, like any REXX program, from a command line in a
(hidden) windowed or full-screen OS/2 command processor session. Since all
RexxMail operations are controlled by command-line switches, the full
range of RexxMail functions and settings can also be accessed from a
command line. RexxMail is written in REXX, an interpreted language, so it is also its
own source code, ready for you to edit to suit your preferences. RexxMail is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html Regards, Warpzilla + java 1.3 features After releasing an installer for Warpzilla 0.9.5 with Multiple
Language and flah player plugin support , now you can also enable
Warpzilla to see "java pages & applets" using Java 1.3 . -> Hobbes: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/cgi-bin/h-search?key=WarpzillaIBMJava13PluginEnabler gs703_x.zip on hobbes Package for enabling Ghostscript 7.03 to work with PM and XFree86/OS2 http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/cgi-bin/h-search?key=gs703_x.zip NewView 1.3.3Replacement OS/2 help viewer Rewrite of OS/2 View.exe, reads INF and HLP files. Improvements include a
new UI, remember size/position, select and copy from the window... This
version contains many major bug fixes! File - Open, Back button etc http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/cgi-bin/h-search?key=NewView1.33.0.zip "Having broken all sorts of crucial things in the last release, here is
another. Thanks for your support. Aaron" w3m 0.2.1-3 text based Web browser and pager EMX port of w3m (WWW wo Miru) text pager (like 'more') for console and
textmode windows. It understands HTML and can follow hyperlinks. English
and Japanese versions. Can read from standard input. Displays tables and
frames. http://www.vector.co.jp/authors/VA000199/os2/ (OS/2 port). Akinori
Ito (original author):
http://ei5nazha.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/~aito/w3m/eng/ http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/cgi-bin/h-search?key=w3m-0.2.1-3.zip OS/2 - MDOS Games Site moved (temporarily?!) Because I could not update the MDOS-part of the website on OS/2-World.com
for about 2 weeks now, I decided to move the site (temporarily?!) onto my
own server. It features a list of working games under OS/2 / eCS's VDM including
patches, if required. It's now also including up-to-date information about
the patches, that I'm working on. cu/2 Kiewitz http://kiewitz.ath.cx/os2/mdos-games.html From: Martin Kiewitz martin@kiewitz.de
- Now the LogView process may be killed from extern without exception.
- Command line swich to set the config file name.
- Dialog to modify the logfile poll time.
November 12
November 12
November 12
November 12
2001-11-12 = Update: build 20011112.105405.
- Bugfix: a sent message file could not be moved to destination
folders specified in 'mailsent.txt' if the message was to a
mailing list (the SendMailSMTP procedure reported no. of sent
messages instead of success/failure).
- UnPackMessage procedure now acts on copy of original message
file to prevent file access problems if the message file is
moved or deleted during view/reply/address operations.
- Changed behaviour of outgoing file objects during sending:
they are made temporarily invisible rather than unmoveable.
Marcus de Geus
November 12
November 12
November 11
- Navigation (back/forward):
- Fixed all windows invisible!
- Add last 9 back points in Navigate menu
- Connect Navigate - Forward
- Searching in index, have to press enter
to view the topic. This Saves useless entries
in history while you're typing
- Save notes & bookmarks immediately on changes
(just in case NV crashes :P)
- File open:
- Works!
- keys better; more shortcuts, tabbing works, (Sibyl bugs)
- .. etc working again
- File - Save As works
- Font selection dialog rewritten to be good instead of crap
- Fixed bug shutting down leaving zombie process
November 11
November 11
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