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Volume 10, Number 01
- Future events calendar
- User group meetings and OS/2-related events.
- The Editors of VOICE speak out: The Newsletter's new clothes
by Christian Hennecke - It has been a long time since the last issue. Christian Hennecke fills you in on what has happened in the meantime and on the changes that come with the new design.
- Writing articles with NVU — Adding style the easy way
by Christian Hennecke - With the migration to XHTML and CSS, older WYSIWYG editors cannot be used to edit articles for the VOICE Newsletter any more. Authors who don't want to use a text editor have to look for an alternative. NVU is such an alternative and offers easy editing by applying styles like one would assign formatting templates in a word processor. This article goes through the steps of preparing an article according to the author guidelines of the VOICE Newsletter.
- eComStation v 1.2 Refresh and the Compaq Laptop
by Douglas Clark - IBM has finally withdrawn OS/2 from the market. That notwithstanding, a refresh of eComStation 1.2 has been released. Douglas Clark has set out to see how easy it is to install and run it on a current laptop.
- Hard Drive Disaster Recovery using DFSee — What you can do to prepare for the catastrophic failure of a hard disk
by Julian Thomas - It has been said for many years that death and taxes are inevitable. The computer age has made it clear we must add hard disk failures (whether catastrophic or gradual) to that list. It's not a question of "if" a drive will fail, it's a question of "when." With this in mind the prudent computer user plans for this event and is prepared with suitable backups and a recovery plan.
- Resurrecting RSU - Remote Software Updates
by Alex Taylor - A couple of years ago, RSU was a nifty little IBM utility that made installing FixPaks a breeze. All you needed was a web browser and a working Internet connection, and that new OS/2 FixPak was just a few mouse clicks away. At some point, IBM shut this service down. This article shows how to bring it back alive on your own network.
- Lotus Approach — A first step in making a database
by Arthur van Egmond - Databases are a good way of organizing large amounts of information for quick access. However, many are quite complicated to use. In this series, Arthur van Egmond shows how easy it can be with Lotus Approach.
- A report on Warpstock 2005
by Mark Dodel - The 9th Annual Warpstock OS/2-eComStation Users Conference was held this year in Hershey, Pennsylvania Thursday through Sunday, October 5-9. Mark Dodel reports what happened at "the sweetest one yet."
- The Making of Warpstock Europe 2005 — An Interview with Robert Henschel
by Thomas Klein - Warpstock Europe 2005 took place in Dresden, Germany, and was a success. The organization of such an event is not an easy task. Shortly before the event, Thomas Klein interviewed Robert Henschel, chairman of the organization team.
- OS/2 Tips
- Collected useful hints from OS/2 forums
- Letters, Addenda, Errata
- What our readers have to say. Errata and additional information.
The VOICE Newsletter
- Legend
- An overview of markup that is used throughout the Newsletter.
- Guide lines for Article Submissions to the VOICE Newsletter
- Information for authors including topic suggestions, detailed information about different article types for novice authors, and formatting.
- Disclaimer and Copyright
- The inevitable terms and conditions.
- What is VOICE?
- A short introduction to VOICE and its goals.
- Officers/Staff
- The VOICE Board of Directors, site operators, and Newsletter staff.
- Membership
- Information for potential members, including the bylaws.
- Sponsors
- Persons, companies, and institutions that sponsor VOICE.

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