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Volume 10, Number 02
- Future events calendar
- User group meetings and OS/2-related events.
- The Editors of VOICE speak out: News from the tailor's workroom
by Christian Hennecke - The re-lauch of the VOICE Newsletter braught many changes. Read about reactions, updates, future plans, and other news.
- A new Future for eComStation
by Jeroen Besse - At Warpstock Europe 2005, Netlabs founder Adrian Gschwend lined out a long-term concept for the future of eComStation. This project, called
followingOS/2 Warp,
caused quite a stir among the audience, and reactions were mixed. Jeroen Besse is going to go along with the project and provide us with status reports on the way. The first gives a general introduction and should clarify what truth there is in the rumors abounded. - Warpstock Europe 2005 in Dresden — eAMPT - the one click install of a CMS for eComStation is here!
by Niels Jensen - Warpstock Europe 2005 took place from November 18 to 20 in Dresden, Germany. Niels Jensen reports from the event and informs you about sessions and other matters of interest.
- Warpstock 2005 — An outsider's impression
by Chuck Pettus - Everyone experiences educational and community events in a different way. In 2005, Chuck Pettus visited Warpstock US for the first time. This article describes his personal experiences.
- SigmaMD5 — A program to check message digests
by Keith Merrington - Data integrity is an important issue. The largest archive of backups will be of no use if the data contained is corrupted, either by media degradation or errors in the transfer process. The same applies if you create media for somebody else. Keith Merrington has written a small tool that provides a convenient way of verifying your data.
- How to create a database using Lotus Smartsuite
by Arthur van Egmond - Databases are a good way of organizing large amounts of information for quick access. However, many are quite complicated to use. In this series, Arthur van Egmond shows how easy it can be with Lotus Approach.
- Time to think about Warpstock Europe 2006
by Robert Henschel - Warpstock Europe is one the few events that are dedicated to OS/2 and eComStation. Each year, people from several countries meet for three days to discuss the operating system itself, programs, and possible fields of application. Since the first Warpstock Europe that took place in Bochum in 1999 this conference has been an integral part of the OS/2 community, and there is no reason why that should change!
- OS/2 Tips
- Collected useful hints from OS/2 forums
- Letters, Addenda, Errata
- What our readers have to say. Errata and additional information.
The VOICE Newsletter
- Legend
- An overview of markup that is used throughout the Newsletter.
- Guide lines for Article Submissions to the VOICE Newsletter
- Information for authors including topic suggestions, detailed information about different article types for novice authors, and formatting.
- Disclaimer and Copyright
- The inevitable terms and conditions.
- What is VOICE?
- A short introduction to VOICE and its goals.
- Officers/Staff
- The VOICE Board of Directors, site operators, and Newsletter staff.
- Membership
- Information for potential members, including the bylaws.
- Sponsors
- Persons, companies, and institutions that sponsor VOICE.

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