Active GUI element
Static GUI element
WPS object
Command line
Entry-field content
[Key combination]
Membership Information
To become a member of VOICE, you must agree to abide by the bylaws and code of ethics of VOICE, and send in a check or money order to cover the dues for a one year membership. The dues are listed below.
Kind of membership | Dues in USD |
Student | 10.00 |
Individual | 25.00 |
Corporate | 100.00 |
All monies must be in United States Currency. Make out your check or money order to:
60 Saint Patrick Street
Apt 628
Toronto, Ontario M5T 2X5
Secure credit card payment for VOICE membership and sponsorship is now available through BMT Micro. http://www.bmtmicro.com/BMTCatalog/os2/voicememberships.html and through Mensys at https://shop.mensys.nl/cgi-bin/db2www/mns_art2.d2w/report?artname=VOICESUB.
Please review the VOICE Bylaws and Code of Ethics and then fill out the membership application form and enclose it with your membership dues.