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Officers and Staff
There are Six Officers presiding over VOICE affairs. They are common OS/2 users, voted into office by the membership of VOICE, and act solely to carry the VOICE of our members to the rest of the world. They are:
Position | Name | |
VOICE Board of Directors | ||
President | Roderick Klein | president@os2voice.org |
Vice-president | Walter Metcalf | vicepresident@os2voice.org |
Treasurer | Gordon Snider | treasurer@os2voice.org |
Secretary | John Edwards | secretary@os2voice.org |
Marketing/ Liaison Officer |
Roderick Klein | liaison@os2voice.org |
Assisting the VOICE Board | ||
System Administrator | Ken Kirchner | sysadmin@os2voice.org |
Web Master | Ken Kirchner | sysadmin@os2voice.org |
VOICE Newsletter | ||
Publisher/Editor in Chief | Christian Hennecke | editor@os2voice.org |
Founding Editor/Publisher | Mark Dodel | madodel@ptdprolog.net |
Associate Editor | Marckus Kraft | marckus@web.de |
Tips Editor | Bill Loughman | tips@os2voice.org |
Assistant Editor | Mark Dodel, James Moe | editor@os2voice.org |
Assistant Editor | James Moe | jimoe@sohnen-moe.com |
Assistant Editor | Bärbel Hennecke | christian.hennecke@os2voice.org |
Assistant Editor | Karl-Heinz Markus | fox@on-line.de |
Translator/Assistant Editor | Joachim Moritz | |
Translator/Assistant Editor | Jürgen Gaida | jp.gaidaATgmx.de |